The book “The illusory rope” by Ángel Martínez Haza is presented

The book “The illusory rope” by Ángel Martínez Haza is presented
The book “The illusory rope” by Ángel Martínez Haza is presented

The ceremony will take place at 7 p.m. at the City Museum, La Florida 97, with free admission. The presentation of the work will be in charge of the writer Carlos Müller.

The Municipality, through the Cultura Activa Agency, invites the presentation of a new book by the author Ángel Martínez Haza that will take place at the City Museum, on Wednesday the 19th at 7 p.m.

The work, published through Editorial Equidistancia, is defined as a novel that talks about initiations and memories, but from the reflective perspective of someone who has already been able to understand that the ties of the past are nothing more than an illusory rope.

In its pages, the writer speaks not only about the unique destinies of literature, but above all to paint the nostalgia of a mythical land, full of memories and also contradictions, that the protagonist has abandoned following the irresistible seduction of the centers where the mechanisms that move power, the economy and also culture are cooked.

The presentation will also feature the participation of the writer Carlos Müller who will make the introduction and provide details of the author and the work to all those present.

Neighbors are invited to attend the meeting that will take place on Wednesday, June 19 at 7 p.m. with free admission.

About the Author

Ángel José Martínez Haza (1979), Cuban-Argentine writer and musician, graduated from the University of the Arts of Havana. He received the El Zorzal International Poetry Prize, Buenos Aires 2011, the Provincial Poetry Prize, Salta 2017, the Bonifacio Byrne Prize and the Heptagrama Literary Magazine prize. He has published books of poetry and fiction: Dialogues of the Enchanter, The Shape of a Dream, Kingdom and Journey, Estancia Regained, When the Night Opens.

His texts appear in literary magazines such as Vigía, Matanzas, Punto Cultural, Excentrica, A 4 Manos, Heptagrama, as well as in anthologies from Argentina, Cuba and Spain. Currently residing in Salta, Argentina, he is a member of UNEAC and the Norte Entero group.

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