AWS announces the availability of its generative AI assistant Amazon Q | Present

AWS announces the availability of its generative AI assistant Amazon Q | Present
AWS announces the availability of its generative AI assistant Amazon Q | Present

Amazon Web Services (AWS) has announced the general availability of Amazon Q, the company’s most advanced generative artificial intelligence (AI) assistant, designed to accelerate software development and leverage enterprise internal data.

“Amazon Q is the most advanced generative AI assistant available today, with industry-leading accuracy, advanced ‘agent’ capabilities, and top-notch security that helps developers be more productive and business users more productive.” accelerate decision-making,” says Swami Sivasubramanian, VP AI & Data at AWS. “Since announcing the service at re:Invent, we have been impressed with the productivity improvements that developers and business users have experienced. Early indications are that Amazon Q could help our customers’ employees improve their productivity at work by more than 80%; and with the new features we plan to introduce in the future, we believe this will even continue to grow.”

Amazon Q Developer delivers coding precision, security, and cloud capabilities, allowing developers to spend more time on coding and less time on maintenance. Amazon Q not only generates highly accurate code, but also tests, debugs, and has multi-step planning and reasoning functions that can transform and deploy new code generated from developer requests.

Amazon Q Business allows employees to focus more on data, generate content, build dashboards, and make decisions better and faster, using company knowledge and data. Amazon Q makes it easy for employees to get answers to questions about business data, such as company policies, product information, business results, code base, employees, etc., by connecting to business data repositories to then logically summarize the data, analyze trends and discuss information.

Additionally, AWS is also introducing Amazon Q Apps, a new feature of this assistant that allows employees to build their own generative AI applications from their company’s data. This way, employees simply describe the type of app they want in natural language and Q Apps will quickly generate an app that accomplishes their desired task, helping them simplify and automate their daily work with ease and efficiency.

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