WienerAI pre-sales already exceed two million and Sealana continues to rise

The market trend in crypto prices seems to reflect a clear predilection for cryptocurrencies with artificial intelligence and new memecoins. This is the case of WienerAI, which does not stop increasing its price, and also of Sealana, a meme cryptocurrency that has already exceeded 2 million dollars in its early pre-sale stages.

But the rise in crypto prices in terms of these two currencies is not at all coincidental. Rather, it is justified in the characteristics, functions and virality that both projects are acquiring. Investment in both models is skyrocketing and their potential still knows no limit, making them two options to keep an eye on.

WienerAI is heading towards $3 million in pre-sale

WienerAI currently represents one of the most required tokens in terms of crypto prices, and its pre-sale is capturing a large part of the interested eyes of many investors. We are mainly talking about a token linked to cryptocurrency trading, which at the same time is driven by artificial intelligence.

The news around WienerAI and crypto prices is that it is currently on track to reach $3 million in its fundraising and pre-sale campaign. To date, it has accumulated $2,430,379 worth of USDT and its price stands at $0.000709. A figure that, of course, blows up expectations regarding the project.

WienerAI shows its cover letter in the form of revolutionary trading partner. And it does so by being able to combine the advanced capabilities it gets from the artificial intelligence with a user interface suitable for both experienced traders and those who are taking their first steps in cryptocurrency investing.

But WienerAI crypto prices continue to rise for more reasons. For example, the platform is responsible for ensure safe exchanges without any type of fee. But also in terms of market analysis, prediction of movements or help with decision making. All with predictive technology combined with the best of AI.

Invest in WienerAI here

Staking with WienerAI and the possibility of rewards

In addition to the already mentioned policy of zero transaction fees, $WAI allows its clients to opt for the staking $WAI tokens to achieve rewards. In this sense, taking a look at its pre-sale phase, we see that 69% of the total $WAI is already staked, with annual rewards of 415%.

It should be noted that WienerAI’s crypto prices are currently the most attractive, since they will rise until it is listed on the market. Regarding the supply, we see that it is quite high, with up to 69 billion $WAI tokens well distributed between pre-sale (30%), staking and community rewards (20% – 20%), 10% for liquidity in DEX/CEX exchanges and finally the remaining 20% ​​dedicated to its commercialization.

Sealana reaches 2 million and could be the next to explode

Although on its own official site, Sealana is advertised as a plump seal belonging to the Solana Sea, the truth is that the signals shown by its crypto prices seem quite compelling. At least as far as market attention is concerned, since its pre-sale has just reached the 2 million dollars in its pre-sale.

Although it is true that the $SEAL crypto prices are very affordable (from $0.022 at the time of writing), is a project that is more or less reminiscent of other cryptocurrencies such as Slothana. Meme coins that if they have something in common is the innate ability to attract the attention of traders and investors interested in Solana.

The Sealana pre-sale is still active at the moment, so taking advantage of its crypto prices seems too tempting. At least that is what the hundreds of investors convinced that Sealana can be the next memecoin to explode already believe. In addition, its convenient pre-sale allows you to acquire $SEAL tokens by connecting your wallet and using SOL.

But in any case, you will see that it also enables the options ETH, BNB, USDT or even bank cards. As well as direct transfer of SOL to the Sealana pre-sale wallet address. Although you may feel that this second option is not as accurate in terms of tracking, it is still a perfectly valid way to acquire $SEAL.

Invest in Sealana here

Sealana could repeat the success of other SOL memecoins

Although it was not confirmed, Sealana’s movements are quite similar to the marketing of other successful projects such as Slothana. The success of the Sealana pre-sale was quickly demonstrated by reach 2 million dollars. But will his ascension continue at this pace in a stable manner?

Recently, we were able to see how Solana consolidated its position as a current trend in the market. More concretely, tokens like FLOKI or PEPE They stand out in a market that leaves SOL as the fastest blockchain and even placing itself above ETH. The recent success of memecoins is being consolidated in their crypto prices, and Selana could be the next meme cryptocurrency to explode.

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