Can I be fined for installing an alarm panel at home without having the service contracted?

Can I be fined for installing an alarm panel at home without having the service contracted?
Can I be fined for installing an alarm panel at home without having the service contracted?

Currently, millions of families around the world have hired an alarm service to protect their home from the possible entry of thieves and criminals. When installing this type of device, security companies always place a sticker or poster on the outside of the homewhether on a wall or on the door, which certifies the installation of the system and advises that said address is protected in the event of a break-in.

Now, there are many people who, instead of hiring the service of a security company and installing an alarm, decide acquire a fake sticker or continue using the sticker after stopping using said deterrent instrument. Although it is a good method to scare away thieves and save some money, doing this can have certain consequences.

The use of a sticker or sign that corresponds to a real security company, without actually having its services contracted, can lead to sanctions, since you are illegally using a registered trademark, and therefore its intellectual property is violated. Furthermore, if one of the video surveillance panels is used and your own data is entered instead of the company’s, The Data Protection Agency may report you.


As established by Law 17/2001, of December 7, on Trademarks in the Penal Code, if any of the actions mentioned above are carried out, said person is exposing themselves to the most serious sanction in these cases, a crime against intellectual and industrial property. Incurring this crime may involve compliance with a sentence of 6 to 3 months in prison, in addition to fines of 1 to 2 years for illegal retail actions.

In the economic section, the affected company can request a compensation for damages caused, and the perpetrator could assume the payment of fines of 600 euros for each day elapseduntil the trademark is finally discontinued.

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