93% of Spanish managers consider it important to promote energy efficiency to reduce their environmental impact

93% of Spanish managers consider it important to promote energy efficiency to reduce their environmental impact
93% of Spanish managers consider it important to promote energy efficiency to reduce their environmental impact

93% of managers of large companies consider it important to promote energy efficiency to be more sustainable and reduce their environmental impactaccording to data from the ‘EnergIA by Smarkia’ study, prepared by the company specialized in energy management and optimization solutions based on Artificial Intelligence (AI), together with the consulting firm GfK.

It is one of the conclusions of this study that analyzes the perception of large companies about the efficiency energy and the penetration of the use of the AI for the optimization of consumption energetic and that, coinciding with the celebration of the World Environment Dayhighlights the commitment of large energy consumers to sustainability.

Energy efficiency and sustainability

In this way, according to the study data, the sustainability It is the most important reason for managers of large companies when it comes to advancing in terms of energy efficiency, ranking even above cost savings (90%). Along the same lines, 89% claim to have taken measures in their company to reduce energy consumption, highlighting among them the integration of monitoring and management systems, the development of energy efficiency measures and the commitment to renewable energies.

Likewise, the study reflects that the commitment of the managers with the environment breaks the barriers of the workplace and reaches their own homes. In this sense, 95% of managers acknowledge having already implemented measures to optimize their residential energy consumption, such as the use of LED light bulbs, the use of appliances with an energy efficiency certificate, or the regulation of air conditioning systems such as air conditioning or the heating.

These data are framed in a context in which, at a legislative level, important steps continue to be taken towards sustainability, as reflected in the recent approval, by the Council of the European Union, of the Directive on Due Diligence in Corporate Sustainability Matter (CSDDD), which introduces obligations for large companies in relation to environmental protection, among others.

And, although the commitment to reality is real and growing, there is still a long way to go, especially in the business field where technology is presented as a key lever and a great ally to continue advancing in terms of energy efficiency. Specifically, there are innovative solutions such as Smarkia that, powered by Artificial Intelligence, allow you to monitor, manage and develop predictive models that optimize energy consumption automatically.

AI, the great ally for energy efficiency

Precisely, another of the aspects analyzed by the study is the perception of managers regarding the use of IT solutions. AI-based energy efficiency. Thus, only 9% of large companies take advantage of the potential of artificial intelligence to increase energy efficiency, although 3 out of 4 companies believe it is interesting to go one step further and hire management systems based on this technological advance to control their consumption. electric.

Beyond knowledge of this technology or its current use, the study concludes that the use of AI applied to management energy arouses great interest among companies. Thus, 75% of the managers surveyed would consider it interesting to hire energy management systems based on Artificial Intelligence, especially valuing their usefulness to reduce the energy bill (61%) or to reduce the carbon footprint (58%).

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