Job offers remote work and pay $ 10 million at Sodexo or Kibernum

Job offers remote work and pay $ 10 million at Sodexo or Kibernum
Job offers remote work and pay $ 10 million at Sodexo or Kibernum

Although many companies resist working at home, different companies launch vacancies for that style and They add good salaries.

This is the case of Sodexo, Teleperformance, Kibernum and more companies that recently They published offers for people who want to do work remote.

(See also: Job offers in Bogotá: Transmilenio has a fair with more than 300 vacancies available).

They all have good monthly salaries that range from 10 to 15 million pesosaccording to the Elempleo portal.

Human resources manager at Sodexo, IT project manager at Teleperformance, Php developer at Kibernum and remote Sap consultant at Cinte are some of the new offers shared on the aforementioned platform.

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Keep in mind that many of these are characterized by being linked to jobs that are derived from specific knowledge such as systems engineering or finance.

If you want to see some of the aforementioned offers, you only have to enter this Elempleo link and there check which one is available. called attention in the country.

Companies in Colombia and why they increasingly offer remote work

Companies are increasingly offering remote work positions due to a number of benefits for both employers and employees. First of all, the job Remote allows companies to access global talent. They are not limited geographically and can hire the best professionals, regardless of their location.

Additionally, remote work reduces operating costs. Businesses can save on office, utility and maintenance expenses. There is also an increase in employee productivity, since working from home eliminates travel daily and allows for more flexible schedules, which can improve work-life balance.

For employees, remote work offers greater flexibility and autonomy, which can lead to greater job satisfaction. It has also been shown that can reduce stress and improve mental healthby allowing employees to create a more comfortable work environment adapted to their needs.

Read all the economic news today here.

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