Bancolombia will give benefits to clients after failures: there is money at stake

Bancolombia will give benefits to clients after failures: there is money at stake
Bancolombia will give benefits to clients after failures: there is money at stake

Bancolombiaone of the country’s main banks, has faced one of its most significant technological crises by presenting failures in your digital channels for more than three days, affecting millions of its users throughout Colombia.

The problems began last weekend during a planned maintenance since the early hours of holiday Monday, June 3, and were extended due to a technical failure in its system, which prevented the restoration of the normal operation of its platforms.

You may be interested: Bancolombia responds for failures in its digital channels

The interruption in service has generated economic difficulties for many clients, who were unable to make payroll payments, meet obligations to suppliers, or make essential purchases, among other operations.

This situation has caused inconvenience and financial complications for users, who were unable to access their accounts and carry out crucial transactions.

Which Bancolombia clients will receive financial compensation?

In response to the difficulties generated, Bancolombia has announced that it will provide economic compensation to those customers who have experienced direct financial harm due to the inability to make timely payments. In a statement, Juan Carlos Mora, president of Bancolombia, expressed:

“If a client had a problem because they could not pay an obligation that generated interest or a penalty, we will evaluate those cases and, if they have had that problem, we will make compensation.”

Read also: SuperFinanciera must sanction Bancolombia for failures: MinTIC

With more than 18 million users throughout the country, Bancolombia committed to review and compensate individual cases where customers have incurred additional costs due to failures in the bank’s digital services.

When will Bancolombia service be restored?

As reported by Mora, Bancolombia’s digital channels have been restored on the morning of this Wednesday, June 6. From now on, online transactions and services are expected to function normally, allowing users to once again access their accounts and carry out their operations smoothly.

What was the reason for the failures in Bancolombia?

The origin of Bancolombia’s failures was due to a software problem of the bank, as confirmed by the entity’s authorities. This situation has highlighted the need for greater robustness and reliability in Bancolombia’s digital systems to avoid future interruptions that could affect its extensive customer base.

Bancolombia has apologized for the inconvenience caused and reaffirmed its commitment to improving its systems to guarantee continuous and efficient service. Affected customers can contact the entity to start the claim process and obtain the corresponding compensation.

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