Who is Stephanee Beggs, the young student who became a multimillionaire selling her summaries and study materials

The rapid rise of social networks and the change towards a more sedentary life generated other types of possibilities for business.

Stephanie Beggs is an American nurse, known for creating a business while studying that made her a millionaire. The young woman was able to make the most of the possibilities that social networks offered her and she found a way to start a business in a context of confinement and a tendency towards a sedentary lifestyle.

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Having discovered that nursing was what she was truly passionate about gave her the idea to share the methodology you used on TikTok to make your notes eye-catching and study in a more entertaining way. His followers liked the content and suggested buying his notes, which gave him a great idea.


Stephanee Beggs on the cover of Forbes magazine

How Stephanee Beggs Made His Fortune

As he always took care of his writing, his notes were very neat and understandable for anyone, in addition to being eye-catching and easy to read, so he decided to digitize what he had made so he could sell it. At a price of 2 euros per song, the first week he sold 5.

Then, he made notes on each of the topics of the race, put them all together in a book and printed 200 copies that he published at 150 euros each and sold them in 2 hours. This product, her book, is today the best seller, reaching the figure of 15 a day. The platform where you market your product is RNExplained, an Etsy store.

In addition to her success as a salesperson, she also rose as an influencer on social networks and her growth has no ceiling. Currently, her business has expanded to the creation of products that can be useful for the needs of nurses in all health spaces, such as the “round neck sweatshirt” because hospitals are usually cold.

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