New change in the price of gasoline: What is the new value from this Thursday?

New change in the price of gasoline: What is the new value from this Thursday?
New change in the price of gasoline: What is the new value from this Thursday?

The National Petroleum Company (ENAP) reported on the new prices that, starting this Thursday, June 13, gasoline, diesel-petroleum and LPG will have.

In the report published on Wednesday, June 12, the decrease in the price of gasoline was confirmed for the second time in a row.

How much does the gasoline cost?

From this Thursday, The price of gasoline drops to $28.6 per liter, a price corresponding to 93 and 97 octane gasoline.

While, diesel decreases $20.9 per literMeanwhile he Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) will decrease by $28.6.

It should be considered that these values ​​reported by Enap do not correspond to a regulation or setting of values ​​in the market, but rather have a wholesale marketing role of the derivatives for the distribution companies, from where they determine the cost for the consumer.

Second consecutive decrease in the price of gasoline


To save gasoline, the following tips shared by the regional head of OLX Autos Regions, Miguel Ángel Concha, can be applied:

  • Always keep the correct air level in tiressince underinflated tires have a direct impact on the efficiency of the car and therefore on gasoline consumption.
  • Avoid riding with less than half a tanksince gasoline tends to evaporate faster, and always do the correct maintenance of the vehicle for its optimal operation.
  • Other important considerations are perform engine maintenancereplacing the air filters and spark plugs.
  • Tires are essential to drive safely and that is why it is essential check that they are not damagedwith problems in the axles or misalignment.
  • Air conditioning also affects the increase in gasoline consumption, for example, in this season it is not very necessary to use it and you can do without it.
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