Cryptocurrencies today: price of the main digital currencies as of June 16

Cryptocurrencies today: price of the main digital currencies as of June 16
Cryptocurrencies today: price of the main digital currencies as of June 16

Bitcoin (BTC) is trading today, June 16, at US$66,797.5, according to the Live Coin Watch portal.

This price positions it 101% compared to its value 24 hours ago and 96% compared to the same day last week.

The current market capitalization of the token is US$1,316,636,013,512.

Ethereum (ETH), the second largest cryptocurrency on the market, stands at US$3,556.36, a change of 1.01% from its price a day ago.

Among the main altcoins – alternative tokens to bitcoins – BNB, the cryptocurrency of the Binance platform, is trading at US$607.62. Cardano (ADA) is at US$0.41 and Solana (SOL) at US$144.58.

The variations of the last 24 hours were 1.0%, 1.0% and 1.0%, respectively.

The total capitalization of the cryptocurrency market is US$2,455,675,394,342.0 billion, a change of 0.54% in the last day.

On the other hand, the volume traded in the last 24 hours is US$54,046,105,480.0.

The quotes of 10 cryptocurrencies

Bitcoin (BTC) US$66,797.5

Ethereum (ETH) US$3,556.36

BNB (BNB) US$607.62

Solana (SOL) US$144.58

Dogecoin (DOGE) US$0.14

Cardano (ADA) US$0.41

Shiba Inu (SHIB) US$0.0

Polkadot (DOT) US$6.21

Helium (HNT) US$3.41

Tellor (GRT) US$100.73

What are cryptocurrencies?

A cryptocurrency is a digital asset that uses cryptography to ensure the security and ownership of transactions between people. Despite the volatility that characterizes them, “tokens” have grown in popularity in recent years. Bitcoin, the one with the largest market capitalization, was born in 2009. It has a finite emission that is mathematically and statistically predefined. A total of 21 million units will be “minted”. In turn, the amount issued is reduced by half every four years. This allows us to predict how much monetary emission there will be until the total number of currencies is reached in the year 2140. Altcoins, for their part, are different cryptocurrencies than bitcoin and stablecoins, those that seek to be equated with another asset, such as an official currency – usually the US currency – or a commodity. One of the most famous is USDT, from the Tether protocol, and USDC, from Coinbase. Both have a “peg” with the dollar. The purchase and sale of cryptocurrencies can be done on specialized platforms. The most popular in the world, according to trading volume, is Binance. To start trading, users must create an account via the web or app. However, investing in this type of digital assets carries a high risk since the market is fluctuating and characterized by its volatility.


In a context of global economic crisis, with unprecedented inflation rates in the United States and Europe, and a war between Russia and Ukraine that no one knows when – or how – will end, cryptocurrencies are suffering one of their worst moments and In a report titled “Cryptowinter: keys to understanding the fall of cryptocurrencies worldwide”BBC journalist Cecilia Barría explains that this abrupt fall came just after the best historical moment in the crypto world.
In just five years, a bitcoin went from being worth US$1,000 to US$68,000.

The journalist points out that It is determined with a “fairly basic” rule, supply and demand.. “When more people want to buy, the price goes up. And when no one is interested, the price goes down,” she summarizes. But he clarifies that the same thing does not happen as on Wall Street. “Cryptocurrencies are not shares of a company. They are, as you already know, digital money, and that means that no one regulates them, no authority issues them and, of course, there are no banks that keep them. So, how they move without any control, the ups and downs are frenetic”Barría specifies in the report.

The term crypto winter or crash crypto was coined in the first big crash of cryptocurrencies, which occurred just before the last boom, in the one in which bitcoin touched US$69,000, in November 2021.


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