It is 1000 times more powerful than expected with these 3 metals

It is 1000 times more powerful than expected with these 3 metals
It is 1000 times more powerful than expected with these 3 metals

The solar panel represents one of the most popular alternative energies, but its efficiency still leaves much to be desired, which is why the search for materials with higher performance continues. We present to you a material that has a power 1000 times greater than traditional ones.

A solar panel whose efficiency exceeds the most extreme expectations

Scientists at Martin Luther University in Halle-Wittenberg, located in Germany, have made a major breakthrough in solar panel technology by finding and developing a component that is sure to revolutionize the transformation of solar energy into electricity.

This is because the new material will allow the creation of solar panels that will be 1000 times more efficient than conventional ones. In fact, the researchers were amazed when they measured the current flow and saw that its increase was noticeably greater than expected.

What is this wonder of solar energy?

This compound comprises various crystalline layers of strontium, calcium and barium titanate, which are arranged alternately in the form of a flat lattice. Silicon is not used here, a commonly predominant material in the construction of solar cells in conventional panels.

Silicon is very inefficient, especially due to the metallurgical process that joins two crystals of this material, called PN union, essential for the production of the current solar panel. On the other hand, ferroelectric materials can generate electricity from the incidence of sunlight.

A possible explanation for this phenomenon is that, by combining ferroelectric elements alternately with paraelectric compounds, which are polarized within an electric field, the fluidity of electrons is facilitated by the excitation of light photons in the material.

Another explanation is that the process of treating strontium, calcium and barium titanate is carried out by vaporization with a high-power laser, depositing the materials in alternating layers that make up the flat lattice, which could motivate the increase in performance.

With this innovative technique, the material produced is composed of 500 alternately superimposed layers, which have a thickness of approximately 200 nanometers. It is very compact and also lightweight, which means that fewer roof reinforcements are needed.

However, scientists have been candid in expressing that they still do not know exactly how the materials interact with each other within the lattice structure to produce this Incredible increase in solar panel efficiency. All they have, so far, are just theories.

Other advantages of this high efficiency solar panel

In addition to the large electricity production, it has other advantages. Because they are so efficient, they require less surface area to produce the same electrical power as a conventional panel, making them ideal for urban environments with limited space.

Furthermore, the material is much more durable than solar panels built with silicon, approximately double the lifespan. And, if this were not enough, the manufacturing process is much easier and cheaper due to the compounds used.

The research team is already focused on developing the application of the material in a new solar cell for mass production. To do this, they already have the sponsorship of some venture capital electricity companies, interested in investing in this new technology.

As can be seen, the very high performance solar panel is already a palpable reality that gives a lot of hope to affirm that we are on the right path towards sustainability. Now we just have to wait for it to become widespread and go on sale to see its real impact.

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