on Sundays and holidays it increased more

on Sundays and holidays it increased more
on Sundays and holidays it increased more

07:01 AM

Apparently, in May people were willing to spend more energy in Colombia. This was revealed in a report by XM, the National Interconnected System, SIN, and administrator of the wholesale energy market.

XM explained that in May, energy demand was 6,940.24 GWh. This means that it increased 1.45% compared to national consumption in May 2023, where the demand was 6,845.51 GWh.

On the other hand, so far in 2024 and ending May 31, there was a growth of 5.54% in energy demand compared to the same month of 2023.

It should be noted that of the ten regions of the country, the one with the highest energy consumption was the Caribbean, with 1,978.16 GWh, in May; followed by Center, with 1,625.93, and by East, with 987.25. In the case of Antioquia was the fourth region with the highest consumption, 933.01, which meant an increase of 0.45% compared to the same month in 2023.

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Economic activities

Juan Carlos Morales Ruiz, manager of the National Dispatch Center of They represent 39.72% and 30.1% of unregulated demand, respectively.

It is important to keep in mind that the growth in demand for electrical energy is calculated as the weighted average of the growth of the different types of days (commercial, Saturdays, Sundays and holidays). With this type of calculation, the fluctuations that occur in the monthly monitoring are reduced, caused by the dependence of energy consumption in relation to the number of days presented in the month of analysis.

Rise in trade

Commerce was the one that registered the greatest growth. In fact, discriminated by consumer, in residential consumption and small businesses (regulated market) there was a growth of 3.0%, equivalent to 136.46 GWh. On the other hand, industry and commerce presented a decrease of -1.86%, equivalent to -41.95 Gwh.

The report shows that on Sundays and holidays demand rose 4.24% compared to the same period last year.

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