Generational replacement program on dairy farms

Generational replacement program on dairy farms
Generational replacement program on dairy farms

Promote generational change on the farms that provide milk to the Company. This is one of the main objectives of the agribusiness program promoted by Nestlé in collaboration with the Veterinarios Asociados entity, a team of veterinarians specialized in the dairy cattle sector and a reference in the livestock sector.

To this end, the company is training this year about a dozen young people, all of them relatives of ranchers, to facilitate the generational change on the farms that provide milk to the Company.

“At Nestlé, this program is the appropriate tool for our producers to obtain ideal training according to their needs. We consider it vitally important to promote the generational change of those professionals who must ultimately be in charge of the livestock farms of tomorrow, so that they produce a food of the highest quality such as milk. The development of training programs to increase technical capabilities and knowledge of more sustainable alternatives in milk production is key to having more professional and efficient suppliers.”highlighted Juan Francisco Pérez, head of Dairy Supply at Nestlé Spain.

Theoretical-practical training

The young people are receiving in-person theoretical classes with which they delve deeper into various topics of interest, ranging from milk quality, animal welfare or the profitability of agricultural farms, among others.

Along with these theoretical classes, the young people have also started individual practical training on their respective farms. Thus, with the help of the team of veterinarians, the work they carry out on a daily basis on their farms has been analyzed with the aim of detecting points of improvement to achieve progress both in routines and in facilities, while at the same time increases production, field performance or animal welfare, among others.

“The livestock sector is a sector that needs a lot of preparation at all levels. The demands are increasingly higher and we all have to be prepared. With these more professional training, young farmers delve into both the quality of the milk and the feeding and animal welfare of the cows, without forgetting the management of livestock farms”said veterinarian Marta Mantecón, from Veterinarios Asociados.

Fourth edition

This group of young people represents the fourth edition of this agribusiness program that takes place throughout the year. Since it began in 2021, around twenty young ranchers have already participated, and have been able to implement all the knowledge received on their farms.

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