These are the best-known companies that are already using it

These are the best-known companies that are already using it
These are the best-known companies that are already using it

Artificial intelligence has undergone a significant evolution in recent years, becoming one of the most popular technologies. This advancement has allowed machines to acquire skills that allow them to more accurately and effectively imitate human intelligence. This evolution has not only improved the ability of machines to perform complex tasks, but has also expanded their application in various sectors, boosting efficiency and intelligent decision-making in the workplace and beyond.

The strategies behind AI are already embedded in our daily lives, improving the efficiency of products and services. In this article, we explore how companies are applying AI technologies to optimize customer and user experience.

1. Recommendation of Products and Services: Spotify and Netflix are leaders in personalized recommendations. They use Big Data to analyze user behavior and interests, offering suggestions they really enjoy. Spotify stands out with its “Discoveries of the Week” list, which uses collaborative filtering models, natural language processing, and audio analysis. Netflix organizes its personalized homepage into lines, categorized by genre, for users to discover and explore relevant content.

2. Service Automation through Chatbots: Chatbots are essential for AI in customer service. Banks and other companies invest in virtual assistants that interact with customers, clarify queries and carry out transactions. Over time, chatbots learn and anticipate users’ needs, improving their efficiency.

3. Voice Recognition: Amazon’s Alexa and Apple’s Siri are examples of voice user interfaces (VUIs) that use conversational AI. These platforms not only understand and respond to user requests, but also learn from interactions to deliver a more personalized and effective experience.

4. Image Recognition: Google Photos uses computer vision to recognize and organize photos. The machines train to identify patterns in images, allowing users to easily search and find photos. The more photos are used and tagged, the more accurate the AI ​​becomes.

5. Product Prices: Dynamic pricing is another application of AI. Services like Uber and Airbnb adjust their prices in real time based on demand and supply. AI can recognize patterns and predict situations, adjusting prices accurately and quickly.

6. Audience Segmentation: Audience segmentation is essential in marketing. AI allows companies to better understand their customers’ behavior and segment them more precisely. Netflix, for example, uses machine learning to send personalized recommendations to its subscribers.

7. Digital Campaigns: Paid media campaigns are more efficient with AI. Google Ads uses machine learning to adjust bids and improve conversions. Responsive search ads are automatically optimized to provide the best version of the ad based on user behavior.

8. Product Customization: Nike uses AI to personalize products and improve customer experience. The Nike Fit app scans customers’ feet to recommend the perfect shoe. Additionally, projects like the Nike Maker Experience allow customers to design their own shoes, combining object tracking and AI.

9. Content Curation: Platforms like Twitter and Pinterest use AI to sort and recommend relevant content. Twitter employs deep learning and natural language processing to improve user experience and combat extremism. Pinterest uses computer vision to deliver personalized visual inspiration.

10. Custom Searches: Google has revolutionized the search experience with algorithms like BERT, which understand the meaning and intent behind users’ searches. By combining multiple ranking factors, Google delivers relevant and personalized results at the top of search results.

Other examples are: amazon that uses AI to offer personalized recommendations and predict demand, thus optimizing your inventory management. bmw has integrated AI into its automotive production process, resulting in cost reduction and a notable improvement in the quality of its vehicles. Coca Cola has adopted AI to analyze social media data and anticipate consumer trends, adapting its marketing strategy and launching products more effectively. Companies like Deloitte and JP Morgan Chase They employ AI to analyze financial data, enabling them to make accurate predictions about business performance and offer informed advice to their clients. IBM has integrated AI into business data analysis, facilitating real-time strategic decision-making. Or, Johnson & Johnson and Procter & Gamble have incorporated AI into their production and distribution processes, thus achieving significant optimization.

Generative AI in smart cities

As smart cities continue to evolve with artificial intelligence (AI), incorporating generative AI into their operations is marking a new stage in urban management. Buenos Aires, Singapore, Amsterdam and Dallas are at the forefront of this technological revolution, demonstrating how generative AI can transform urban life and improve public services.

Buenos Aires. The versatile chatbot: The Argentine capital stood out by launching its chatbot in 2019. “Boti”, as it is known, has evolved significantly thanks to generative AI, reaching a record of 11 million conversations in January 2022. This development has made Boti “a preferred channel for citizens”, according to the Public Sector Innovation Observatory. It originally served as the government’s official channel for testing and vaccinations during the pandemic. Today, its scope has expanded to include services such as bike sharing and social assistance, providing a comprehensive tool for citizens.

Singapore. 100 innovations in generative AI: Singapore, a pioneer in creating a digital twin of the city-state, has launched more than 100 generative AI solutions following a government initiative last year. Innovations include a tool that allows teachers to develop new content quickly, as well as a chatbot for community centres, The Straits Times reports. Unlike many governments that take a cautious approach to AI, Singapore is banking on maximising the benefits of the technology. Its National AI Strategy, updated in late 2023, focuses on “ways to enable Singapore’s economy to adopt and use AI”.

Amsterdam. Generating sustainable materials: The University of Amsterdam is using natural language processing – the technology behind chatbots like ChatGPT – to create new, sustainable materials. The Artificial Intelligence for Sustainable Molecules and Materials (AI4SMM) research project replaces words with molecules in an innovative approach to materials science. Bernd Ensing, lead professor on the project, explains that using AI to build new molecules and materials will change the way science is done, reducing reliance on “chemical intuition”. The team is initially focusing on creating energy-storing salts, sustainable steel, safe plastic and new plant proteins.

dallas. Next-generation autonomous vehicles: In Texas, United States, a new generation of autonomous trucks is being tested between Dallas and Houston. These vehicles, trained with generative AI, represent a significant improvement over their predecessors. The Copilot4D system uses lidar sensors to detect the distance to objects and generate a continuous 3D map of the environment, allowing predictions up to 10 seconds into the future. Raquel Urtasun, CEO of Waabi, the company behind this innovation, highlights that the system’s “AI-first” approach allows it to “learn from data” instead of being trained to react to specific situations. If these vehicles prove safer and more reliable, they could solve problems such as supply chain bottlenecks, carbon emissions and labor shortages, according to the Toronto Globe and Mail.

These cities exemplify the transformative potential of generative AI in urban life, paving the way toward a more efficient, sustainable, and citizen-centered future.

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