72 million kWh per year with this energy

Facing the transition to energy sources energy renewable energy that is being experienced globally, there are more and more companies and factories that are betting more and more on photovoltaic energy. However, the potential of wind energy has been noted throughout the world, even more so if it is applied in spaces with large gusts of air such as the sea. Now you will be able to see everything about the great infrastructure that China created.

China stands out once again with its energy projects

Well, now a Chinese wind turbine manufacturer called Dongfang Electric Corporation He provided all the details of the large installation of a wind turbine with the detail that it has the impressive capacity of 18 MW, which was recently tested on the coast of Guangdong with very favorable results.

It is important to remember that China is making leaps and bounds in this fight against climate change. It is important to mention that the Asian country has already carried out countless large-scale energy projects and this wind infrastructure would be no exception.

This photovoltaic innovation would represent an important advance in China’s transition towards more renewable sources of energy, completely leaving aside the traditional sources dependent on fossil fuels that would be highly polluting.

Know its great potential: this is the amount of energy it produces

First of all, this great infrastructure is ready to start generate around 72 million kilowatt hours (kWh) in just one year. In other words we would be talking about a high level of electricity, so much so that around 36 thousand homes could be supplied per year.

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Another important fact that should not be overlooked is that this wind turbine will be able to generate that amount of electricity while prevents the burning of 22 thousand tons of coalwhich could translate to almost 60 thousand tons of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide.

If we look at the potential of these large wind turbines on a day with a lot of current, we can remember that during 2024 a 16 MW turbine faced winds of 83 km/h and generated a total of 384 megawatt-hours (MWh), enough electricity to contribute to the energy of more than 100 thousand homes.

How is this innovative wind turbine made?

We have already talked about the great potential that this gigantic wind turbine has, now we can comment in depth on the way it is composed and manufactured. These important characteristics could explain the reason why the aforementioned machine generates such exorbitant amounts of electricity per day.

First of all, we could say that we are talking about one of the largest wind turbines in the world, we can even start by highlighting that this 18 MW turbine mainly has a turbine rotor of an impressive 260 meters, in addition It has an estimated area of ​​more than 53,000 square meters..

Finally, it is important to mention that these large infrastructures of more than 15 MW have only been seen by Chinese manufacturers. For some time now, one of the most renowned European manufacturers previously broke the record with a turbine that reached 16 MW. However, the manufacturer has already assured that it is notor intends to build larger wind turbines than it has previously built.

In this way, China continues to demonstrate once again its intention to lead the transition towards renewable energy with this surprising installation of a wind turbine with a capacity of 18 MW. The project not only has the potential to generate large amounts of electricity from a wind source but also highlights the country’s commitment to this fight against climate change.

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