The striking ritual of Juana Viale after another incredible achievement on her journey across the ocean

Juana Viale has been on board for more than two weeks ecological journey. This Sunday, in dialogue with Mirtha Legrand in the air of Having lunch with Juana (the thirteen), the actress said that He had performed a ritual after crossing the Equator and gave details of it on social networks.

“We left the Canary Islands, we crossed the Equator today we did the ceremonygiven that When crossing you have to do one to Neptune so that it allows you to navigate”, he commented to his grandmother.

Read also: Julieta Poggio told why she is afraid of growing up and surprised Mirtha Legrand

On the social networks of the journey, they shared images of the trip and gave details of the ritual. “Yesterday we crossed the equator line. And for those crossing for the first time, there are different traditions. Ours was something like this…” they wrote.

After showing some of the crew dressed for the occasion, they stated: “Neptuno and Davy Jones visited us and we toasted. “One drink for Neptune, one for the ship and one for each crew member.”

This was Juana Viale’s ritual after crossing the Equator for the first time. (Photo: Instagram /blueocean.sailing)

“Then we played turn the boat around without the potato falling of the spoon. AND We close with a bucket of seawater to crown”, they closed.

Juana Viale spoke with Mirtha Legrand about her impressive ecological journey

Juana Viale talked with Mirtha Legrand from his ecological journey. ““We haven’t seen land for like nine days.”the actress told her grandmother on the air Having lunch with Juana (the thirteen).

Twenty days ago the driver embarked on an ecological journey with her boyfriend Iago Langewhich has the purpose Raise awareness about the importance of the oceans and marine life.

Juana Viale spoke with Mirtha Legrand about her ecological journey: “We haven’t seen land for like nine days” (Photo: Captura eltrece – Instagram /juanavialeoficial)

Asked about the trip, Marcela Tinayre’s daughter said: “We are having a good time. We are taking a sailing trip, we are five crew members. We are traveling throughout the Atlantic Ocean, capturing microplastic from time to time and then we take all that collection to evaluate and analyze. We are seeing many animals, luckily. AND we are documenting everything we are experiencing“, life on board, what we eat, how we feel…”

Juana took advantage of her conversation with Mirtha to bring peace of mind and clear up any worries. “I am in very good health, we are eating very well. Yesterday we had a storm at night, so We take advantage of showering with rainwater. All very nice, but unfortunately You see a lot of plastic as you walk, we see plastic bags, lids, drums, plastic tables, incredible”he pointed.

Juana Viale shared the photos of her crossing of the Atlantic. (Photo: Instagram juanavialeoficial)

However, he highlighted: “Then there are very beautiful things like flying fish, whales, and dolphins that accompany you along the way. Now, as we approach the coast, there are more birds, different species of seagulls. An unforgettable experience”.

Mirtha wanted to know if there were risks on the journey and her granddaughter admitted: “It has risks, but we all take care of each other, like anything in life, but how nice to take them.”. Finally, he commented that he feels happy, free and that it is a very enriching experience.

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