José Ortega Cano explodes against the press after learning of his economic situation

Can not be more

The bullfighter has exploded against the press

José Ortega Cano would be facing a difficult economic situation

His ex-wife, Ana María Aldón, has already given clues about his finances

  • Sheila González Oliva
  • Journalist specialized in heart, fashion, beauty and lifestyle.

    • 05/22/2024 12:12
    • Updated: 05/22/2024 12:24

One day after the information about the delicate economic situation what José Ortega Cano would be going through, the bullfighter has exploded against the press. An attitude that is not usual for him, given that he has always had gestures of complicity with the media.

Visibly upset, the right-hander was seen getting into a vehicle. When asked by reporters about this episode, Ortega Cano seemed angry and, before closing the car door forcefully, he blurted out: «Go take it as…, okay? It already!». Gesture with which he confirms that he does not want to be held accountable for the latest news about his monetary situation.

José Ortega Cano, José Ortega Cano embargoed
José Ortega Cano. (Photo: Gtres)

Far from making statements, Ortega Cano has chosen this route this time. Last Tuesday, May 21, the financial situation of José Ortega Cano was placed on the front page of the media. According to Luis Pliego, director of Readingsin AfternoonARcannot fulfill the financial obligations he has, specifically, with his ex-wife, Ana María Aldón because the right-hander “has problems.”

José Ortega Cano, José Ortega Cano embargo
José Ortega Cano, visibly serious. (Photo: Gtres)

Something that could even lead him to lose the house he shared with the designer when they were still together. This home has been receiving seizure notices for three years. “Has an important asset but since 2016 it has not presented the balance sheet of its companies. With which we assume that it has not entered that much either. In fact, at 70 years old, he started celebrating 50 years in the ring with two bullfighting festivals. Lets see if “It may have a romantic gesture behind it, but in reality it hides an economic situation.”Pliego said.

José Ortega Cano, Ortega Cano, Rocío Carrasco
José Ortega Cano attending to the media. (Photo: Gtres)

«In the accounts it says that it is a guarantee and it is a credit that has not been paid. “Ana María, I think she knows Ortega Cano’s economic situation is not so good,” added the collaborator.

José Ortega Cano, Ortega Cano, Rocío Carrasco
José Ortega Cano at some awards. (Photo: Gtres)

The debts of José Ortega Cano

In addition, Luis Pliego detailed the debts of Jose Ortega Cano. The first of them would have reached Gloria Camila’s father in the year 2021 and would correspond to the payment of 53,000 euros with the Fuente del Fresno City Council. That is not all, because, in addition, there would be another related to the bullfighting celebrations, which would amount to 62,000and a third that could be due to a debt contracted by an intermediary whom the bullfighter would have guaranteed. “in some loans or project”.

To the data provided, it must be added that, according to the Telecinco program, Ortega Cano could not face his economic problem immediately. The reason? In recent times she has invested in different businesses, such as a bullring, a dog farm or a store in Seville for Gloria Camila, among others.

On the other hand, Jose Ortega Cano He owns a penthouse in Cádiz and three commercial premises in Madrid. «Already in 2018, when Ana María Aldón was preparing to Survivorswho at that time were married, we did a study of what Ortega Cano’s finances were and she came in a little to save the day-to-day economy of the house of Ortega Cano and Ana María Aldón,” Pliego explained.

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