Former comedian from ‘Sábados Felices’ is now a singer: he tells how he beat cancer through music

Former comedian from ‘Sábados Felices’ is now a singer: he tells how he beat cancer through music
Former comedian from ‘Sábados Felices’ is now a singer: he tells how he beat cancer through music

‘Sábados Felices’ has been the birthplace of dozens of comedians in Colombia – credit Caracol Televisión

“I could conquer cancer” is the refrain that Hassam is heard singing after finishing his theater performances currently. The comedian, who was part of the team Happy Saturdayshas taken advantage of his season on stage to tell those attending his work what the process of overcoming such an illness has been like.

To innovate and give a different touch to his staging, the idea that occurred to him was not to tell jokes about it, as he has done before, but to use his vocal technique to perform a song that he himself wrote about the duel he had to fight against the serious illness.

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On some standing and others deeply moved by the life lesson.

In fact, the same comedian shared on his official profile one of the films that one of his fans made of the emotional moment that occurred in one of his last shows.

Hassam surprised those attending his most recent show – credit @hassam/X

About his condition, he explained on social networks that “since June 2019 when I was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma, I found in God, my family and humor, the perfect way to face it. “He took my mother, and every day I receive messages from people who suffer from it or who have a family member with this condition.”

Likewise, he also said that, although he receives messages of support every day, There are others who are against him, even wishing him the worst..

“Some people, when they feel offended by a joke, tell me “No wonder he got cancer” or “It’s a shame he didn’t die.””. They even call me cancerous,” the artist concluded.

Hassam Gómez, whose real name is Gerly Hassam Gómez Parra, is a renowned Colombian comedian born on March 20, 1977 in Bogotá. His career in entertainment began in the late nineties, consolidating himself with the character of Rogelio Pataquiva., a man of peasant origin who moved to the city in search of better opportunities. This role allowed Hassam to gain popularity thanks to his quirky style and humor.

Hassam became known in ‘Happy Saturdays’ – credit @oficialhassam/Instagram

In the mid-2000s, Hassam joined the television show Happy Saturdaysthe longest running Colombian comedy show, where his comedic talents reached a wider audience. In this space she presented various characters, each with their own identity and style of humor. These include Próculo Rico, a wealthy man with a Paisa accent, and Guevardo Navarro, a fictional revolutionary.

A fundamental part of Hassam’s appeal lies in his ability to present everyday situations in a humorous way, connecting with the experiences of the common citizen. Her keen observation of reality and her ability to transform trivial situations into humorous acts have been key to her continued success in television comedy and live performances.

In 2019, Hassam revealed that he had been diagnosed with multiple myeloma, a type of cancer that affects the bone marrow. Since then, he has shared his experience with the disease, becoming a source of inspiration to many. Through his social networks and interviews, he has shown his fight and his positivityusing their platform to raise public awareness about the importance of early detection and support for cancer patients.

The comedian was on ‘MasterChef Celebrity Colombia’ – credit @oficialhassam/Instagram

In addition to his comedy career and health activism, Hassam has ventured into other areas of entertainment. He has participated in reality shows such as MasterChef Celebrity Colombiawhere he demonstrated his culinary skills and won the public’s affection for his charisma and friendliness.

Hassam has also written books and produced digital content, always focused on humor and social satire. His ability to reinvent himself and diversify his career has allowed him to remain current in the competitive world of Colombian entertainment.

With a career spanning more than two decades, Hassam Gómez continues to be an influential figure of humor in Colombia, respected both for his talent and his resilience in the face of adversity. His contribution to entertainment remains significant, bringing joy and reflection to his followers.

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