He overcame a strong depression, moved to a nursing home and does theater: Jorge Troiani and the eternal bond with the public

He overcame a strong depression, moved to a nursing home and does theater: Jorge Troiani and the eternal bond with the public

At 78 years old, Jorge Troiani He experienced a radical transformation after going through difficult times, including deep depression and two falls at his home in Belgrano. Together with her niece, Carla, she chose to move to a nursing home, where she found a new perspective on life.

In dialogue with Teleshow, the renowned actor, impersonator, comedian, sports reporter and announcer praised the care received at the residence, highlighting the closeness of his niece and the medical care that improved her mental health. His final decision to move was based on the need to be more accompanied at this time in life.

Despite residing in this new environment, Troiani does not leave the stage, anticipating future theatrical performances that keep him connected to his passion and the affection of the public. His artistic career, marked by outstanding collaborations on radio, television and theater, evokes nostalgia for the golden age of Argentine entertainment.

Born in the city of Rosario in 1945, Jorge is a Boca fan, although he predicts that his hometown teams will always do well. He is not from Newell’s or Rosario Central, but he wants them to achieve good results.

Jorge Troiani on stage at the Almirante Brown Theater in La Boca (Video: Teleshow)

In the talk, he recounts a childhood marked by his mischievous and creative spirit. Born in a taxi near Independence Park, his family moved to Buenos Aires when he was only five years old. From an early age, he showed his talent by imitating teachers and professors, while enjoying pranks with friends and participating in sports activities, such as soccer.

His passion for show business led him to perform shows, gaining recognition at school festivals and attracting the attention of industry professionals. Thus, he began his successful career in radio and television programs, highlighting his participation in The Dislocated Magazine. Then of course, once he became an artist he shared his skills with greats on the scene ranging from Alberto Olmedo to Jorge Porcel, going by Moria Casán, Zulma Faiad, Jorge Corona and Tristaneven his great companion and sidekick in films like The loons on the attack and Rambito and Rambón, first missionthe endearing Carlitos Russo.

Telecataplum, Telecomics, Lopez’s children, News Desk, Happy Sunday and Rhythm of the Night They were some of the many programs in which the actor was a part. And we cannot fail to mention The Telo and the Tele, the movie of Hugo Sofovich with which he debuted on the big screen.

Born in the city of Rosario in 1945, Jorge is 78 years old and is a Boca fan (Photo: Teleshow)

-How are you?

—Enjoying my new home and always answering a call or for an event or a party and here I am. We have two shows coming up in June, one in a restaurant and another at the Almirante Brown Theater in La Boca.

—Are you living in a nursing home?

—Yes, two months ago. It’s because I have to be close to my family. Until a while ago, I was living with a nurse in my house in Belgrano, but now my niece (Carla) brought me here. I have more mobility, more attention and she doesn’t have to travel as much to do some things. The residence is in Remedios de Escalada (Lanús).

—How do you feel in that place?

—I tell you, I feel very good. I have a room to myself and I listen to the grandparents – who share the place – say very exciting things…

—And what is a day at the residence like?

—I do what I want… I don’t go to bed very late, I get up around 9 or 10 in the morning and I have breakfast prepared. Afterwards we have some activities, the psychologist comes, there is also a girl who sings and there are the doctors who constantly come to visit you, they are attentive to everything. Even though I am healthy, thank God, they still take care of me.

—Did you become colleagues or friends?

—I still can’t call you friends, but I talk to everyone. There you stay for half an hour chatting with a grandmother and I ask her ‘where were you going to dance?’ And she tells me the places I went like Bamboo, Rocha Pine Forest

Jorge Troiani, 78-year-old actor, imitator, comedian, sports reporter and announcer, icon of sound humor in Argentina in the ’80s

—Are you still working?

—It is extraordinary to continue working with Noemí Alan, with Iván Russo, El Linyera, La Tota Santillán and a group of very nice girls. The truth is that it is very good and it gives me great spiritual satisfaction to work in the theater and have these companions.

—A while ago, were you a little depressed?

—Yes, more than depressive, I was worried because it was like I was in the subway tunnel and the station never appeared. Now I am in a good situation, overcoming difficult ones because one prepares for that, and I am also very well cared for.

-What happened to you? Why were you worried?

—I didn’t know what could be coming and what would come in the future. You imagine that you are alone, but I started to realize that it can come out and well… here I am. This move was very important to be close to my niece. She rescued me, she explained the situation to me well and here we are both moving forward, despite the fact that she has her family, she continues to act very well with me. Every now and then, she comes to pick me up in her car and she takes me to eat at her house, we are five minutes away.

“I was worried because it was like I was in the subway tunnel and the station never appeared,” Jorge Troiani told Teleshow about his moment of depression.

—Financially, how do you live?

—I have a pension and a salary from SAGAI for the films that repeat in Return. They didn’t leave me alone and they are accompanying me, and to that we must add some other repetition on television for which they are also paying me.

—As time goes by, do you regret anything?

—I regret having been able to do more things (laughs). But, equally, I can’t complain about that aspect because I worked in the best companies and in the best shows, and I was always lucky enough to be in programs with high ratings. And a little bit of my life was telling because that’s how I did it in scallionswith Marcelo Tinelli in Rhythm of the Night and in the movie that won the Oscar, The secret of your eyes. The truth is that it was very important for my story.

—The show you are doing, is it magazine-worthy?

-It’s a mix of everything. It has a magazine, humor and music, it’s called The big deal came together and we are doing very well. We already have everything sold out for the next June presentations.

—Do you think that the magazine is a genre that tends to disappear?

—The mentality changed a lot. The kids of 20, 25 years old are with the computer, they are with social networks, it is like a little channel that appears on cell phones.

Jorge Troiani imitated the sports reporter José María Muñoz with his voice in “The secrets of their eyes”

—What makes you laugh today?

—The surprise, the quick spontaneity and the output of each comedian makes me laugh. Over there (Rodrigo) Vagoneta tells you a stupid story and you laugh. And out there a comedian who is not so good comes out with a funny outing and you laugh. But they cannot be compared with (Jorge) Porcel and (Alberto) Olmedo and the Uruguayan comedians who were phenomena and some are because they are still alive. But Argentine humor will never be lost because life leaves you stung at every moment. There are an impressive number of imitators and they are all very good like Fátima Florez. Not only the voice, but the gestures, the typical movements that a person has.

—Do you have a relationship with any colleagues from your time or did you generate any friendship with them?

—I have a very great friendship with Jorge Corona, I did many seasons with him. I also talk to Nito Artaza and Osvaldo Príncipi from time to time. I made a very good friendship when we met in Rhythm of the Night.

—Would you like to spend another season in Mar del Plata?

—How can I not feel like it! But you saw how this is… You have to be in Mar del Plata for two months, comply with the remedies because you must not forget to take them. But if everything is organized well, I don’t have any problems.

—Has it been a long time since you went to Rosario?

—I was there a year and a half ago. We went to do a presentation with Jorge Corona, it is a city that I love because it has some restaurants and a coast that is impressive. And it has two soccer teams that have a tremendous call.

Currently, Jorge Troiani lives in a geriatric residence located in Remedios de Escalada (Lanús)

—What do you think of the acts of violence that have occurred in recent times?

—What a shame they chose her to do that. They are not morons. I always say that Rosario is the Argentine Chicago because it is a city to do everything… It is a little brother that Buenos Aires has.

—How do you see the situation in the country with Javier Milei as president?

-Full of surprises. I never imagined that this president was going to sing at Luna Park. As long as you make surprises and don’t steal… You also have to dedicate yourself to the country. I am not very political and I do not defend a political flag either, but I defend the Argentine flag, which is the best there is. I would like it to be like a soccer team that the coach is good and we win, and with the President the same I want him to be good and win.

—Even though you never got married, with which famous person did you have a romantic relationship?

—The one who is known and who says it, I was a couple with Carmen Barbieri for a year and a half. They are very good people and have incredible talent. The father was a phenomenon and a great artist and I had a friendship, he was very advising and constantly encouraging you, he paid attention to all the details down to how you had to shine your shoes to be on stage.

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