The Guatemalan press announces the arrival of Queen Letizia with a striking comparison

The Guatemalan press announces the arrival of Queen Letizia with a striking comparison
The Guatemalan press announces the arrival of Queen Letizia with a striking comparison

Queen Letizia (51 years old) today embarks on a cooperation trip to Guatemala. Every year, Felipe VI’s wife makes an international trip to a destination where she shows her most supportive side. There she appears with her now legendary uniform of red vest and white shirt and gives a good account of the closest side of her. This time, her chosen destination has been Guatemala, where she will arrive this morning. This is a destination that was not foreseen since Queen Letizia alternates annually between an African destination and another in Latin America. Last year he was in Colombia and this suggested that in 2024 he would have to return to Africa. However, the situation there forced them to change their travel destination and this made Guatemala the choice.

Let Guatemala be the place to which Queen Letizia is going to arrive In the next few hours it would not be a coincidence. Since the fate was known, mentions of Queen Sofia have been inevitable. When she served as Queen, she also took these types of trips with which she showed the most supportive side of her. In this sense, it should be noted that Guatemala was the last place to which she traveled before the abdication of King Juan Carlos, which is now ten years old. This leads one to think that the fact that Doña Letizia is going to head there, be all a wink to your mother-in-law and to the cooperation work that she carried out and with which she now strictly complies.

What the Guatemalan press says about Queen Letizia’s trip

In fact, since the Guatemalan media, They have remembered the visit of Queen Sofia. From ‘Prensa Latina’, before the arrival of Queen Letizia, have alluded to the fact that previously “King Juan Carlos and Queen Sofía complied with a work program that included meetings with various officials and an investment announcement.” In this way, the press of the country that Doña Letizia is going to visit has remembered Queen Sofia’s visit and the work she did there. A comparison with which they have set the bar high for the Queen, that she will be there for 48 hours to give a good account of the most supportive side of her.

From ‘Prensa Libre’ what they have commented has been the special security device that will be in Guatemala on the occasion of Doña Letizia’s visit. From ‘La Hora’ they have also mentioned this trip with the only information that King Felipe’s wife will be there from June 4 to 6 carrying out different activities. We will have to wait until the next few hours to see how the Guatemalan press evaluates Mrs. Letizia’s visit to her country.

Queen Letizia’s agenda on her cooperation trip to Guatemala

As soon as to Queen Letizia’s agenda, the details of how he will distribute his time during his cooperation trip to Guatemala are already known. Doña Letizia will arrive at her destination around 2 in the morning Spanish time. You will have a few hours to rest until at 9 in the morning a calendar full of activities kicks off. First it will be at the National Palace of Culture, where the first lady Lucrecia Hairstyle He will give you an official reception. Afterwards, they will attend a meeting together about mental health challenges, a topic with which Mrs. Letizia is always very aware.

During her visit to Guatemala, Felipe VI’s wife will meet with members of the Spain Cooperation Office in Guatemala, to show their appreciation for the work they do there. It will be in the Northern Workshop School to see first-hand how its construction is carried out. Queen Letizia will also visit a project of autonomy and comprehensive care for violence-free lives of indigenous and mestizo women, another area to which she always shows her support whenever she can, especially on trips like this one. Another area that she never leaves aside when she carries out cooperation trips is children’s. This time, she will give it visibility by learning about a water and sanitation project, child malnutrition and women.

Queen Letizia’s companions on her cooperation trip to Guatemala

On this journey of cooperation, Queen Letizia will not be alone. Although King Felipe does not travel with her, he does have a human team with whom he makes sure that everything goes perfect. In particular, the presence by María Dolores Ocaña. For just over a month, she has been the head of its secretariat. Therefore, this will be the first cooperation trip made by Mrs. Letizia’s new right-hand man. Quite a challenge with which she will continue to strengthen her new role within the Royal House. She will also go with them Eva Granadosthe Secretary of State for International Cooperation.

This trip by Queen Letizia to Guatemala also serves to remember her good relationship with Lucrecia Peinado, the first lady of Guatemala. This is not the first time they will meet. Just a few months ago, Lucrecia was in Madrid with her husband Bernardo Arévalo on a visit to our country in which she coincided with Doña Letizia. At the lunch they shared they already showed their good harmony, something that the first lady and surgeon and Mrs. Letizia often do again in the next few hours.

The agenda of the royal family during Queen Letizia’s trip to Guatemala

While Doña Letizia is in Guatemala, the royal family will continue with their agenda in Spain. King Felipe will attend Madrid to different meetings, to awards and scholarship ceremonies and to an afternoon of bullfighting. For its part, queen sofia He will be in Granada on Saturday to attend a charity ballet gala at the Alhambra. But what is most striking are the activities you will attend. Infanta Elena.

It is not usual to see Doña Elena’s name on the royal family’s agenda, but this week the kings Felipe and Letizia have made an exception. Felipe VI’s sister will be at an awards ceremony on Thursday and on Sunday she will go to the Plaza de Las Ventas in Madrid to enjoy an afternoon of bullfighting. A way to gain prominence in the same week in which there will be a lot of talk about Queen Letizia on the occasion of her trip to Guatemala.

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