Daniela Aránguiz apologized to Daniella Campos’ daughter

Daniela Aránguiz apologized to Daniella Campos’ daughter
Daniela Aránguiz apologized to Daniella Campos’ daughter

Recientemente, se revelaron nuevos detalles del polémico cruce que protagonizaron Daniella Campos y Daniela Aránguiz en Sígueme.

En Que te lo digo, Sergio Rojas, Paula Escobar y Luis Sandoval revelaron lo que no se vio de esta pelea, que siguió fuera de cámara.

Tras aclarar que no hubo golpes, como en un principio se rumoreó, Escobar señaló que desde TV+ le informaron que el conflicto “fue delicado, ya que había una menor de edad presente”.

Los detalles de la pelea de Daniella Campos y Daniela Aránguiz

According to Luis Sandoval, although they did not come to blows, “the scribblings and expletives continued in commercials.”

“They approached practically as a ‘face to face’, which confused the team,” he commented.

Then, Paula provided data that was sent to her from TV+. “We were all confused on the set, because Campos’ daughter was there watching“, he pointed.

“(After the crossing in the recording), Daniella comes out screaming with the director and the daughter behind. We were very sad”his channel source told him.

“La más descontrolada era Daniella. Después, Aránguiz incluso le ofreció disculpas a la hija, le dijo: ‘perdón por los gritos'”.

“People had to take care of the girl while Daniella fought with the director. And, (in the middle of that), they tell me that Daniela apologizes to the girl”he added.

Escobar indicated that from inside follow me They told her that “she is right to get angry because they interrupt her, but you can’t react like that.”

Given this, Sandoval noted that within the team they feel that “This was the straw that broke the camel’s back”adding that they consider Daniella a person “extremely intense”.

La versión de Daniella Campos

The panelist of follow me He contacted Sergio Rojas live. In fact, the journalist left the set to talk to her on the phone and find out her version.

“She says ‘I’m fed up with this little girl’s lies, she’s ordinary’, referring to Daniela. She doesn’t want to continue working with Aránguiz,” she began by saying.

“Me señaló ‘tuve que retirarme del set porque estaba presente mi hija’. Ella tomó a su niña ―a quien no tenía con quien dejar― y afirmó ‘no puedo trabajar con esta gente ordinaria’, para después retirarse”.

In addition, Campos took the opportunity to deny the information that Paula gave, about alleged encounters with the director and other members of the team.

“Sergio, I never fought with anyone (…) It’s not true, I only spoke to the director to tell him that I was leaving, because I was with my daughter, who is a minor”he asserted.

Later, Campos declassified that at the beginning of the program she was already upset with Aránguiz, for a comment he made in front of his daughter.

“At the beginning of the program, Daniela says that when she was with Mateucci she cried for Jorge Valdivia. There, Daniella tells her ‘that’s like crying with your mouth full,'” Rojas explained.

According to the former model, Aránguiz took those sayings as “a sexual phrase,” so he replied: “I don’t know how Daniella Campos will end up, with her mouth full of what from her ex-boyfriends.”

Sergio pointed out that “that was the first blow.” “He told me: ‘Sergio, it was so ordinary… my daughter was on the set (…) I think she didn’t understand it and that’s why I let it go'”he expressed.

“But when the second conflict came, where Aránguiz interrupted her, Daniella was already on the hook, that’s why she lashed out with so much force,” he concluded.

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