They compare Angélica Vale with Daniel Bisogno because of her physique with serophobic and sexist comments | PHOTO

They compare Angélica Vale with Daniel Bisogno because of her physique with serophobic and sexist comments | PHOTO
They compare Angélica Vale with Daniel Bisogno because of her physique with serophobic and sexist comments | PHOTO

They compare Angélica Vale with Daniel Bisogno because of her physique with serophobic and sexist comments (Photos: Instagram/Ventaneado)

Although many know it, others do not: Daniel Bisogno and Angelica Vale They are cousins ​​and usually maintain a close relationship. However, in the last few hours a photo of Angélica María’s daughter, after she drastically changed her image due to a series of medical recommendations, and more than one has not hesitated to compare her with the way the presenter of Windowing after almost dying due to serious health problems.

with offenses serophobicaversion towards HIV-positive people HIVand even sexist, some have claimed that the protagonist of The Most Beautiful Ugly at the moment He has more physical similarities with his famous cousinalthough fans of both have begun to defend and make notes that this type of criticism is offensive and even discriminatory, despite the fact that The doll has shared that it is not positive.

In 2023, Daniel Bisogno confirmed that he does not suffer from HIV after his stay in the hospital at that time raised suspicions about it. While, in 2024, Angélica Vale returned to Televisa with a new physical appearance, the result, according to his words, of a correct diet in which it was explained what foods he should not consume in order not to increase his weight.

The famous woman has been compared negatively to her famous cousin, Daniel Bisogno (Photo: X)

However, the harsh criticism of the photo has made the famous cousins ​​trend, although the defenses have also begun to increase.

“Much improved! The hormonal transition is very good.” “It looks better, it just needs a little bit to be replenished.” “I finally lost weight HIVdream”. “Tweety’s granny.” “He bypass what was done already left it the same as HIVsogno”, you can read in the publication.

Serophobia in Mexico refers to fear, rejection or discrimination towards people living with HIV. This social phenomenon manifests itself through exclusionary behaviors and attitudes that affect various aspects of the daily lives of HIV-positive people, such as access to health, employment and educational services.

In a country where HIV stigma remains significant, serophobia feeds prejudices and myths that make it difficult to include these people in society.

Comments on Angélica Vale’s publication (Photo: X)

Civil and public health organizations work on awareness and education campaigns to reduce serophobia and promote a more empathetic understanding based on scientific evidence regarding HIV.

However, the path to the elimination of serophobia is complex and requires continuous efforts at both the institutional and social levels to change perceptions and attitudes deeply rooted in Mexican culture.

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