Sara Carbonero’s emotional reflection on chemotherapy: “I spent months without looking in the mirror”

Sara Carbonero’s emotional reflection on chemotherapy: “I spent months without looking in the mirror”
Sara Carbonero’s emotional reflection on chemotherapy: “I spent months without looking in the mirror”

Sara Carbonero wanted to share a most intimate moment with one of her children in one of the hardest situations she has experienced to date. Let us remember that the journalist was diagnosed with a malignant tumor in the ovary and had to undergo chemotherapy treatment and a subsequent operation. And it is precisely at this moment that On his Instagram account, he recounted a moment with his eldest son just after having undergone the sixth and final cycle of chemotherapy.

Without a doubt, one of the hardest moments of his life and from which little by little he is telling us more now about what those months were like. Just a few weeks ago, she showed herself to her followers with her real hair, in a photo without makeup, and with another reflection on what it meant for her children that she no longer had ‘fake hair’, due to the loss she suffered with treatments to cure cancer.

This time, it has opened again for its followers demonstrating the great capacity for adaptation that children have in situations like this and how they provided her with unconditional support.

Sara Carbonero on the moment her children saw her without hair after chemotherapy

The journalist has said that she spent months without looking in the mirror and it was her son who showed her that she had lost all the hair on her eyebrows and eyelashes. “Mom, it’s just that you have gray eyebrows and you don’t look like yourself.”

I didn’t really know how to get out of there and it occurred to me to say: And eyelashes? Have you seen that I have only one survivor left? A! The bravest!!
He tried to rip it off of me, of course, laughing and we started a pillow fight and then on to something else. I have that conversation recorded like many other uncomfortable ones, in which thanks to his ability to adapt it was anything but traumatic.

To this day, they proudly tell their friends when mom had hair “like a boy.”
The day they saw me like this for the first time, I brought them some puzzles to divert their attention, as the psychologist told me.

The laughter came when that same summer a shampoo commercial that I recorded months before appeared on TV with my long hair shaking it back and forth. Is the height of the heights. This helped the dwarfs imitate me and encourage me: “You’ll do it again soon, mom.” “And besides, you won’t have gray eyebrows anymore.”

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