María Eugenia Ritó returned to the stage, dazzled and moved the audience: the images

Although she was heard many times saying that she was preparing and there were even announcements where she said “I want to return and I am getting in shape for that”, on the night of June 20 the curtain opened and she shone in front of the public who applauded her. : The audience exploded with applause and voices chanting his name or messages like “I love you” and “Hold on Maria.”

The people were as happy as she and her friends for the long-awaited return. And she could also be seen among the guests of the night, the journalist Fede Flowers; to the character of La Criti and Bettina Capetillo.


The Plop y Puerca Magazine was the right and ideal setting for Ritó, with a production of more than 10 dancers, many feathers, extras and glitter everywhere, which highlighted her entry into a chair that transported her, like a queen, wearing an imposing white cape and a large crown.

The pictures broke the atmosphere when María Eugenia performed one of the Queen of Pop’s most classic songs, and she – with her presence and style – stomped onto the stage to receive one of the great ovations of the night. At the end of her painting and with microphone in hand, she said: “Can they?… Thank you people, I’m very excited”in the midst of much joy, with a broken voice that helped him make another great phrase clear: “I’m back; here I am.”


Together with his assistant, the inseparable Ever; makeup artists; hairdressers and even a kinesiologist, the star put on her shell again and showed that the desire and desire to be better every day won over everything bad.

María Eugenia Ritó, the one that people love, the one that has been applauded by all the comedians in the country, once again hit the stage. At the end of the presentation, with her eyes full of tears, she hugged her sister tightly; close friends, the PR. Fernando Maldonado, who assured: “I’m happy, María Eugenia beat ‘I can’t’.”

That of June 20 at the Vorterix Theater was a night that will remain in the memory of those who wanted to see well the virtuoso who could against the adversities of life.

María Eugenia Ritó’s surprising complaint against Luciano Castro: “Very rude”

In precisely the same week that Luciano Castro confirmed his new romance with Griselda Siciliani a few months after his breakup with Vigna Floweralthough some slip that the dates would not coincide, this Friday María Eugenia Ritó She joined the actor’s long list of women.

Invited to The morning armyBondi’s streaming show, its hosts Pepe Ochoa and Fede Bongiorno They asked him without further ado if he was “with Lucho Castro”to which the ex-vedette revealed that the actor tried to steal a kiss from her in a way “very misplaced”.

“I was recording in Costumbres Argentina, I had about 10 or 15 episodes in the Undeground series and he was there”began by detailing Rite to contextualize the situation. And immediately added: “I was in the dressing room, I was changing and suddenly he comes in like an airplane, opens the door and says ‘give me a kiss'”.

While repeating “Give me a kiss…what?”and described it as “ridiculous and clunky”. “Let’s see… Are you strong, is it cute, do you like it? It’s divine, but this thing about coming to push me… Take it and run away from here. And don’t let him pass by me. Not that machirulo thing!he declared spicy.

Finally, María Eugenia Ritó made it clear how much the way he acted bothered her. Luciano Castro at that time: He opened the door very rude to me, I didn’t like that attitude because lastly you pass me in a hallway, you try to talk to me. But He got very close to me, almost to my lip, and I felt like an attack when he said, “Give me a kiss!”.

María Eugenia Ritó and Luciano Castro.jpg

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