Plex shows another photo of the biggest physical change ever seen in Ibai’s The Evening of the Year: “The octopus is going to fall”

Plex shows another photo of the biggest physical change ever seen in Ibai’s The Evening of the Year: “The octopus is going to fall”
Plex shows another photo of the biggest physical change ever seen in Ibai’s The Evening of the Year: “The octopus is going to fall”

Back in the day, when the event to present the wrestlers took place, Ibai himself warned that the content that Plex would make on the occasion of La Velada They weren’t going to make “any kind of sense”. But it is likely that he himself could not have imagined everything that the streamer’s journey was going to bring. Because we had him training with Frank Cuesta one day and getting stung by tarantulas and scorpions and the next getting beaten by a Shaolin monk. The never seen.

The show reached such an extreme that many believed that Plex was posturing, that it It couldn’t be considered real training. and that the poor guy was going to get the beating of his life when he faced El Mariana in La Velada del Año 4 (of which here you have when it is, date, time, fighters, concerts and tickets). Perhaps motivated by those who did not believe in him, from then on the streamer began to drop more photographs of his physical change and it was such that many even accused him of doping and other competitors had to come out to defend him.

“That bastard It’s the most tryhard thing there is. He is hardworking, dedicated, has passion and above all he is a great guy from head to toe,” said Guanyar, a friend and also a participant in the Evening. “There are people who really talk about doping, but Plex has surely worked like no one else. There is few people who are capable of going as all in as him and that is reflected in everything.”

And so we come to today, in which Plex has uploaded a new image again showing his physical change 33 days before La Velada. A snapshot that has made people excited. “You seem a boxer from 1950 who was paid with whiskey for victorieshe made racist insults towards his rivals and had an 80-year-old Italian-American coach,” his followers joke.

The doubts have stopped being towards the natural nature of the change and have become towards his rival, whom few already see possibilities of victory. “The octopus is going to fall,” one reads in the comments. Between jokes and memes, people are watching on Plex the biggest physical change in the history of La Velada (although keep an eye out for Guanyar, which is just as impressive). In the end, the Ibai event is going to be more demanding than Hugh Jackman’s training to play Wolverine. I can’t wait for the bell to ring and the show to start.

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