Cande Vetrano and Andrés Gil gave clues about the name for the baby they are expecting together

Cande Vetrano and Andrés Gil gave clues about the name for the baby they are expecting together
Cande Vetrano and Andrés Gil gave clues about the name for the baby they are expecting together

“We are happy, enjoying the moment, learning. We are feeling all this that is happening, which is very intense. Things happened in a very nice and very organic way. We have been together for a long time, the couple is very solid so the better impossible”, Andrés began saying.

He then referred to the sex of the baby and admitted: “We are seeing. We do know that he is a man, and that he is going to be from Boca. Nothing more.”

Finally, Cande’s turn came and regarding the names, he said: “I’m keeping it to myself, there are a lot of months left and there are still doubts, I don’t want to throw anything away. We are making the list. I assure you that my daughter “She’s not going to be called Ana or if it’s a boy, she’s not going to be called Lucas or Santiago.”

Cande Vetrano confirmed in a very particular way the sex of the baby with Andrés Gil: the video

A few weeks ago, after the information he first gave Angel de Brito in the program THE M, America TVit became known about the actress’s pregnancy Cande Vetrano and your partner Andrew Gil.

The actress revealed in Rumis the sex of her baby with the particular method of fork and spoon on a pillow and broke the good news on air.

“Spoon is baby….”they warned the actress. “Fork is baby… It’s baby!”exclaimed the protagonist of the work Wonderful Things by lifting the chair cushion and to the applause of everyone in the studio.

Precisely that test result coincided with the medical study that had been carried out and which confirmed that she was expecting a boy.

What Carola Gilsister of Andrewcelebrated the nice news in the family: “I’m going to have my first male nephew!”

Cande She is in her fourth month of pregnancy and is expecting her first child. The result of the test she did on air was the same as what the doctors indicated about the sex of her baby.

The 32-year-old actress sat in the chair and under the cushion was a fork, which according to popular wisdom means that a boy will come.

“That’s crazy!”, They said they were totally surprised by what happened in the program and everyone’s applause and laughter rained down with pure joy. Congratulations.

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