Romina Malaspina and a new photo album that delighted her fans

Romina Malaspina She became known in Argentina thanks to her participation in Big Brother. She entered the most famous house on TV in 2015 and although her stay was not very long, it helped open career doors for her. She worked in the country and also in other reality shows abroad.

In 2020, Malaspina He reappeared in the local media and surprised hundreds of viewers with his striking physical change. She worked as a presenter on Channel 26 in one of the signal’s newscasts. Her clothes also generated a great stir and there was no one who didn’t talk about her.

At that time he gave an interview to Intrusos and, about the surgeries he underwent, he said: “It’s not that I was not happy with my body. But I did have things that I could improve, I had the possibility and I did it. I was encouraged and I did it “. In addition, he talked about the bullying he suffered in Big Brother because he ate a lot and gained weight. “Outside they criticized me a lot for that, although I don’t know why. Then I started to make friends with that,” he said.

Malaspinaadded: “Then I gained a lot of weight again in another reality show that I did in Chile and I lost a lot in another that I did in Spain, in a way that was not healthy. From there I started eating very well. I studied nutrition and I started eating healthy.”

Romina Malaspina and a new photo album that delighted her fans

Currently, Romina She is very active on social media and instagram He has thousands of followers who are delighted with the publications he makes. This is what happened with the new photo album that he published a few hours ago.

Romina Malaspina on Instagram
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