Aurah Ruiz’s first obstacle after returning from ‘Survivors 2024’ with Jesé Rodríguez as a witness

‘Survivors’ has been, without a doubt, lThe biggest adventure that Aurah Ruiz (34 years old) has embarked on. The influencer has been living in Cayos Cochinos for almost three months, where she has had to face many adversities and, above all, a lot of hunger. It hasn’t been easy at all, but she has managed to show the world, and herself, that she can be a great survivor. In her recent interview on the program ‘De Viernes!’, the influencer assured that she “returned an Aurah who values ​​things that she had forgotten to value.” Her weeks in Honduras have helped her to appreciate how lucky she is in her life. “We have gone through circumstances that I have known how to move forward and in that moment when everything is calm we forget. It has reminded me that I have it all. I have everything to be happy, we complain about stupid things,” he confessed.

Now, Aurah values ​​more than ever not going hungry, enjoying a hot shower or having a bed to sleep in; However, this return to normality is not being an easy task, since, as happens to many ‘Survivors’ participants, they are finding with certain difficulties in performing tasks that he previously did without any problem. And the lack of practice during the months in which she has been competing can take its toll, as is the case of taking the car. Through her social networks, Jesé Rodríguez’s wife was honest with her followers about the first obstacle she had to face after returning from Honduras. “I’m going to drive after three months and of course, I don’t even know how to start the car,” she confessed with her husband, laughing. It seems that the former survivor will need a couple more days to recover normality in her life, and with an experience like ‘Survivors’ it is no wonder.

Aurah Ruiz talks about what her reunion with her son was like

One of the reasons why the contest was very difficult for Aurah was because of how much she missed her son Nyan. In her recent appearance on the ‘De Viernes!’ program, the Canarian woman told in great detail what that long-awaited meeting with him was like after returning to Spain. “When I arrived in Madrid he was sleeping in the hotel, waiting for me with his father here in Madrid, but when I got to the room he was already asleep. I woke up “I ate him with kisses without him realizing.” the influencer began explaining.


However, it wasn’t until the next morning that I finally got to talk to him. “The next morning what I did was lCall him on the phone and play a game. I told him ‘honey, I’m here, you have to listen to me and do what I tell you, open the bedroom door and go out into the hallway, turn around…” Mother and son merged into a big hug and were able to meet again after almost three months apart. Furthermore, as Aurah said, the little boy asked him not to go to Honduras again, since it had been too long. He came running towards me and kissed me, he told me ‘don’t leave anymore because Survivors is very long, it’s a long time, mom,’ the television show revealed with a huge smile.

In this same interview, Aurah opened up about her plans to be a mother again with Jesé. Although it is something that the couple has had in mind for a long time, at the moment they do not dare to take the step. “We have thought about have a second babywe have not yet talked seriously about the subject, but it is something that we have there, although we have to think carefully about whether to do it or not because We risk the same thing happening to us again.. The doctor, when they realized what had happened to Nyan, told us that we could go around the world 30 times and we would not find a couple with the same genetic mutation, as is our case, that it is very difficult for the same thing to happen. that has happened to us,” he confessed.

Aurah and Ángel Cristo fail to sign peace

During her time on ‘De Viernes!’, Aurah met Ángel Cristo; However, far from bringing positions closer together, Both once again starred in a tense encounter. It seems that neither of the two former survivors is willing to make peace. Bárbara Rey’s son was blunt and even reproached her harshly. “ I asked her for time and she asked me for it. I give it to you. What happened hurt my soul, there are things that happened because I opened up to her,” Ángel began. “ We have talked about many things, I should have had more control, I didn’t. That’s the reason I left the program. “Aurah is a very selfish person.”, he declared. Given this, the Canary Islands maintained that “I’m not going to ask for forgiveness”; So everything seems to indicate that we will have to wait until we see a rapprochement between the two.

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