Scandal with Fátima Florez after note with Nelson Castro, “let him do therapy”

Scandal with Fátima Florez after note with Nelson Castro, “let him do therapy”
Scandal with Fátima Florez after note with Nelson Castro, “let him do therapy”

On this Saturday night Fatima Florez He performed at Luna Park, but first, his producer, Guillermo Marín organized several interviews with him and, among them, one with Nelson Castro.
Luis Ventura was waiting to give him a live note for “True Secrets” and Marín informed him that Fátima looked bad after the note with Castro and was not going to receive it.
On the other hand, entering the show was a scandal because the famous guests did not have their seats free. Apparently they gave away tickets and no one controlled anything and they occupied the seats of journalists and guests and Anibal Pachano, Lisa de Banda and colleague Guillermo Barrios, among others, left.

Fortune He went to the canal early, took a bath, changed and ran to Luna Park to make the note and could not fulfill the task.when it was a production order.
The disdain greatly angered Alicia Pedrelli, producer of the América program, who spoke ill of Fátima Florez and told her host and friend: “v
You are not going to make any more notes here, nor will they pay you millions of dollars, This was the last straw, this person did what he wanted, a person who asked you to invite him to Martín Fierro in Miami, who didn’t go, who used the tickets.…(he said talking about Fátima Florez), It is a lack of respect from a person who claims to be popular… I am very sorry, because you were her victim.”
“She is a lady who does not deserve to be in front of the public, let her do therapy.”” he added Alicia Pedrelli.
“We lived 23 years without Fatima and she without us”
said the producer of “True Secrets”; “He felt bad about four political questions… let him have a glass of water and attend to the journalists from whom he asked for a note.”

What happened between Fátima and Nelson Castro

Nelson Castro announced with great fanfare the note with Fatima Florez for his TN program, “El Correspondent” and that is why he himself was at Luna Park interviewing her before her show in a dressing room.
Castro said that “she is an exceptional artist,” that “her show is a sensational success” and presented the note.
Dressed like Madonna. Fátima talked about the show and everything was going well, until the political questions began.
“And Milei came into your life…what did she represent?”
he asked Castro and she said “I fell in love with a person who had to be president, those are the things in life, for me what the heart rules.”
“And when he said my love is the public”
he stated and there He almost started crying. Then Castro warned him that he was going to play “devil’s advocate” and asked him if there was an advertising contract to be next to MIlei, “if there were people who thought about it I thought ‘how strange this is’, but anyone who knows “Fátima knows that that is not possible,” Fátima replied.
“Were you surprised by the ending?
He asked her and she said: “I don’t think about that, I think that they are energies that occur in people’s lives, we are two people with a lot of commitment, I take it with freshness, I navigate it very well and I have a very good relationship.”
In short, there was nothing terrible or disturbing in the note, but evidently something bothered her enough to not give more notes and leave Ventura standing.

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