Impact of what Soledad Pastorutti revealed about her daughter: “The only thing I can say”

Impact of what Soledad Pastorutti revealed about her daughter: “The only thing I can say”
Impact of what Soledad Pastorutti revealed about her daughter: “The only thing I can say”

Soledad Pastorutti She became one of the singers with the most influence in the world of folklore in Argentina who at 43 years old, is one of the consecrated women in the world of music. Active in your social networks In addition to the number of artistic commitments he has on his agenda, He made a moving post about his daughter that sparked multiple reactions among his fans.

Folklore exponents are having a very intense 2024, with recitals throughout the country and releases of new songs. One of them is Soledad Pastoruttiwho was shown collaborating with many artists and frequently uses his social networks to communicate everything related to his current affairs in music. However, he took the opportunity to make an extensive post that has nothing to do with the cultural environment, but rather about his daughter.

“I didn’t choose to be a mother, it was a deep, unstoppable desire, a miracle. I didn’t even stop to think about it. It is possible that this desire responds to a family mandate, it is possible that he wanted to repeat history, perhaps… I don’t know, I don’t care,” he expressed in the first instance in reference to the 14th birthday of his daughter Antonella. “The only thing I can say is that without a doubt it is the best thing that happened to me in my life! Being a mother is not learned anywhere, it is the art of multiplying hours and love. It is knowing true fear and our real strength “he added.

In the publication, she uploaded a series of images and videos from when her daughter was little and also showed how she is currently. “It is removing the veil from your eyes. Going through each day with the greatest intensity possible. It is living and loving without limits. I am an artist, I am a singer and I am a mother! Thank you Anto for giving meaning to everything! Next year 15”, closed “La Sole”, surprised by the passage of time.

Impact on folklore due to what Soledad Pastorutti’s sister said: “Charlatana”

Soledad and Natalia Pastorutti have always been super close as sisters and also in Folklore, despite the rumors and gossip that there have been at times due to alleged jealousy or competition between them. In this context, Natalia shared a recent post on her social networks that once again demonstrated her love for her sister, dedicated to the singer’s eldest daughter.

The Pastorutti sisters became famous at the same time, even though Loneliness She was the singer of the family. Natalia was La Sole’s special guest in each of her shows and that, added to the extreme similarity and the small age difference between them, made people empathize with both almost as a duo, even though they never did. were.

Natalia used her Instagram account to write a few words to Soledad’s eldest daughter on her 14th birthday.. “A very happy birthday! Beautiful aunt! May you always be happy, talkative and witty!!! We love you very much!!!”, said the artist who is also a lawyer and notary but she does not practice those professions.

It should be remembered that, just as La Sole is the mother of Antonia and Regina, Natalia is also the mother, in her case of two boys: Pascual and Salvador. The entire Pastorutti family is very close and in fact they all live together on a large property on the outskirts of Arequito, where Soledad’s house, Natalia’s house, her parents’ house and a common place where they hold meetings and large meals are located. .

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