Preparations begin for July 9: changes in the “commandments” of the May Pact and doubts about the agenda

Preparations begin for July 9: changes in the “commandments” of the May Pact and doubts about the agenda
Preparations begin for July 9: changes in the “commandments” of the May Pact and doubts about the agenda


Confident that the novel Base Law will finally see its outcome this Thursday when Deputies vote on the final version of the text, the Government activated the first organizational meetings around the act of July 9th. That day, Javier Milei wants to star in the signature of the aforementioned “May Pact” with the governors, the ten-point “great national agreement” that the President called four months ago and that never saw the light of day due to the endless negotiations in Congress.

The return of Karina Milei to Buenos Aires was the other key factor to begin preparations for the events of the Independence Day, that would begin in Buenos Aires with a Military Parade and would culminate in San Miguel de Tucumán with an act between the President and the governors. The general secretary of the Presidency will be in charge of staging together with the advisor Santiago Caputo, custodian of aesthetics and the libertarian concept. The aspiration of the Casa Rosada is for the national day to have a transcendental aura, with Milei as the historical protagonist.

There are two factors, however, that put a question mark over official preparations. The first is about the agenda: near Milei they intend for the signing of the May Pact to take place at night – in the prime time television – with all the spotlights on the event. But that day at 9 p.m. it will be the semifinal of the Copa América. At Casa Rosada they are very aware of the fixture of the international championship, which is more attractive than any political event. That is why some movement in the time or even the date of the event with the governors is not ruled out.

The Government does not want the event on July 9 to coincide with the Argentine National Team’s fixture in the Copa AméricaAníbal Greco

The second condition is political. Between the final sanction of the Base Law and July 9 there are only 12 days and The Government must persuade the majority of governors to sign the letterhead that Milei circulated with the ten “liberal commandments.” It will be seen if the provincial leaders lend themselves to the head of state’s game without subjecting it to prior negotiation that allows them to have influence over the text. Until now, every time the Executive Branch began a closed-book discussion, it failed.

As far as he could know THE NATION, The Casa Rosada accepted, behind closed doors, modifications to the original May Pact. In fact, today the The text that Milei presented on March 1 in Congress has already undergone the first mutations. High government sources confirmed that it was included a commitment to public education, as claimed by the UCR and important civil society organizations, such as the Coalition for Education.

“If only the points proposed by Milei are going to be signed, their employees and allies who say yes to everything will go,” was the message that, at the time, radicalism conveyed to the Casa Rosada.

The official idea is that the pact agreements remain ten, so they could resign point nine, which proposes “a structural political reform “to modify the current system.” “It was redrafted, there were already rearrangements in the text,” recognized an important official collaborator.

Meeting of governors and legislators of the dialogue opposition at the CFI of the city of Buenos Aires

At this week’s meeting at the Federal Investment Council (CFI), several governors let it be known that they do not intend to pose obstacles to the May Pact to give all the “tools” to the Executive Branch. The leaders they do not want to offer arguments that serve to justify management problems of the national administration.

According to what this media learned, the governor of Tucumán traveled to Buenos Aires this week, Osvaldo Jaldo, with the aim of maintaining meetings at the Casa Rosada to adjust the details of Independence Day. This is one of the Peronist leaders who is determined to collaborate and make good friends with the libertarian administration. The Tucumán, who would meet with national officials in the next few hours, also planned to meet with deputies from his province to collaborate with the sanction of the new Income tax in line with the claims of the national government.

If there are no new problems, Jaldo will be the host governor of the May Pact, a position that had originally been held by his counterpart from Córdoba, Martin Llaryora. The man from Córdoba had shown a willingness to hold the event on May 25 at the Palace of Justice in his city, but the plan never fully matured because the Senate was far from approving the Base Law with the times planned by the Government.

During these hours, meanwhile, the Casa Rosada evaluated together with the Ministry of Defence the technical details of the Military Parade that the Casa Rosada plans to stage with much pomp in Buenos Aires, eventually on the Liberator Avenue in the morning hours. The Church would also have its place. “On July 9, the idea is that there will be Tedéum, a military parade and the May Pact,” said an important official close to Karina Milei.

The Government needs to inaugurate a new political and economic stage after the sanction of the Bases Law, which took over the official agenda for the first six months of Milei’s mandate. Libertarian management begins to feel the pressure to renew expectations in addition to demonstrating how it will face the exit from the recession, after the alarming data of the first quarter, which showed a collapse of 5.1% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) compared to the same period of the previous year.

According to what this media learned, it is expected that in the coming days the Minister of Economy, Luis Caputo, head monetary policy announcements aimed at ending the issuance. “We are going to demonstrate that we can end 100% with endogenous emission as a prior stage to leaving the stocks,” an important official collaborator slipped in. The Minister of Economy will thus seek to reaffirm that he has a long-term program in the face of diagnoses that put a warning light on the Government due to the absence of a growth plan. Beyond the local announcements, Milei’s management needs to close a new agreement with the IMF that enables it to request funds from international credit organizations, in order to add reserves that will allow it to move forward with the promised exchange rate liberation.

President Javier Milei and the head of the IMF, Kristalina GeorgievaAndrew Medichini – AP

In the political aspect, in addition to showing that he is capable of passing laws, Milei has to materialize his “May Pact” with the creation of the “May Council” which he announced weeks ago. Now it is expected that the creation of a new body for the preparation of bills and other initiatives will be made official via decree. to materialize the proclamations of the May Pact and that include everything from a labor and pension reform to the rediscussion of federal co-participation. “The Government will create the May Council to complete that sacred task. It will be made up of a representative of the national government, one of the provinces, one of Deputies, one of Senators, one of union organizations and one of the Argentine business community,” Milei stated in his speech on May 25.

As this media learned, the Executive Branch has already chosen the Chief of Staff, Guillermo Francos – main dialogue figure of the libertarian cast – as its representative in the future “May Council”.

With the protagonism that Caputo and Francos will assume, the landing of Federico Sturzenegger in the cabinet it remains a question mark. Milei announced the arrival of his “colossus” economist a month ago, but the “borders” of his position cannot be defined, because the former head of the BCRA intends to have a wide range of controls to apply in practice. his masterplan for economic deregulation and modernization of the State.

In addition to the specter of eventual short circuits with Caputo Due to the bad coexistence that both had during the Cambiemos administration, now the political factor is added. Sturzenegger wants – like Milei – to go all out against “caste”. He is a “hawk.” His plans, that could be irritating to the status quo from different corporations, They could cause sparks at a time when the Government needs to exhibit pragmatism due to its original political weakness.

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