Mercedes Lambre: the pregnancy that came after making the decision to adopt and how she will announce the sex of the baby

Mercedes Lambre: the pregnancy that came after making the decision to adopt and how she will announce the sex of the baby
Mercedes Lambre: the pregnancy that came after making the decision to adopt and how she will announce the sex of the baby

June 16, 202418:41


Mercedes lambre She gets excited when she talks about her budding belly. 14 weeks pregnant, she awaits the arrival of her first child on December 14 and allows herself to live each moment to the fullest. In a talk with THE NATION, the actress reflects on motherhood and says that she is also registered with her husband in the National Adoption Registry. She talks about her love story with Ezequiel Freidson and explains how his evil character in the series Violetta It changed his life. “It was not a highly planned pregnancy, but we did the math and we like her to be born at the beginning of summer. I couldn’t imagine waking up at 4 in the morning in the middle of winter (laughs). We don’t know yet if it’s a girl or a boy, but we will surely do so in the next ultrasound and we are going to announce it with a face reveal. A great excuse for a meeting, like the baby shower”says the actress at her home in Benavídez.

–Is it true that you also want to adopt?

-Yeah. It is a calling that we both have. It is a topic that we talk about a lot and last year we signed up. We know when it can happen, but sometimes being adoptive parents is a matter of years. So, we have it as a long-term project. I told it almost without thinking about it last year when I was doing the play It’s just sex And I didn’t think it would have such an impact. For a time, journalists had the role of those who question you about motherhood, like those friends who help you think about something that perhaps you had half boxed in. That was really nice and prompted us to sign up for the adoption registry. We are not signed up to receive only babies or of a certain gender; It can be more than one too; Let them be brothers so as not to separate them. We have no limits.

Mecedes Lambre and her husband, Ezequiel, are expecting their first child in the second week of December; They still don’t know if she will be a boy or a girl.Santiago Cichero/AFV

–So, first they signed up to adopt and then they got pregnant…

–These are things that take time and from that moment on I began to focus on things for children. We think about leaving the adoption for when it happens and let’s also take advantage of being biological parents now that we are young, healthy and want now. Because at the moment they didn’t even call me nor did we have the interview and evaluation process.

–They searched and it arrived quickly…

–Yes, it was funny because we talked about it and a week later I got pregnant. It was very fast and I would say surprising because we thought it was going to take a little longer.

–How are you handling these first months?

–I have a lot of nausea, vomiting and sleep. I felt so much more connected to women in these few months of pregnancy than I ever had before in my life. I felt bad and I had that special empathy and I looked for role model moms who would listen to me and contain me.

“I already bought everything white, in that sense I am very anxious,” says Mercedes about the first months of pregnancy Santiago Cichero/AFV

–Are you one of those anxious future mothers who read and want to know everything or do you see it as you go?

–I’m not very inquisitive, I prefer to talk to women. The Internet is full of information and not all of it is post. I prefer to inform myself the old-fashioned way and chat with my mother, with friends who were mothers, with doctors. I don’t want to be overinformed or scared. And I want everything to happen in the most natural way. But I already bought everything white, in that sense I am very anxious. The excitement and thinking about the baby leads me to walk and think about shopping for him or her. She already has her room and we are starting to decorate it. I imagine there are things I’m going to need and I don’t know, that’s why I prefer to take care of what I know now and take care of what I don’t know at the last minute.

–You got married during a pandemic, what was the wedding like under those circumstances?

–We got married in 2020, coming out of that first part of the pandemic. They had already lifted the quarantine, but it was a wedding with masks that the guests took off to eat. We had been dating for four years, we had not lived together and we wanted to get married. We had thought about getting married in the middle of 2020 and having a simple and quiet meeting. But during the pandemic we spent five months without seeing each other because I was in La Plata with my family and he was at his house with his. We spent the pandemic separated because each of us made a cave with his family and the Buenos Aires-La Plata highway was closed. And after so long without seeing each other, the reunion was lovely and pushed us to get married as soon as possible. We realized that life hangs by a thread and we decided to live it together.

Four years ago, Mercedes married Ezequiel, the brother of a great friend of hers.Santiago Cichero/AFV

–How did you meet?

–Ezequiel has a hamburger restaurant and a specialty cafe in Belgrano, All Saints. He is the brother of a friend who is now my sister-in-law. I met him at a family birthday and I peed. And one day I went with my friend to her brother’s bar and there I looked at him again, we started chatting and nothing happened because shortly after I left with Violetta on a world tour that lasted a year and two months. The relationship began by text message, from a distance.

–Did they meet again and start dating?

–Yes, that’s how it was. It’s been about 9 years now.

–Are you going to work this year?

–I work a lot from home, on social networks and at the theater school we have in the Remeros Plaza shopping center, in Tigre. I recently did the last feature of It’s just sex with which we were on the billboard for a year. The work continues, but I got off because I want to live through my pregnancy without doing jobs that require me to be physically full in one place for more than six hours. I also got off another play that we were already rehearsing. Anything that requires little time in person is welcome. There will be time for the other thing. Now I prefer to take care of myself and respect all the physical revolution I have. Women are used to denying our physical situation: if we are unwell it doesn’t have to be noticed, if you are pregnant you wash your face a little, put on perfume and go out. And the truth is that I feel bad. I prefer to work a little during the hours when I feel good and do social media, which allows me to have a different rhythm.. I have been working on TV since I was 15, because I started on Utilísima. I did all the tutorials they do on Instagram or Tik Tok today on Utilísima and she was the model who had her makeup and hair styled. I have been working for 16 years and I can take some time during this special moment.

“If I continued at my age doing things for kids, I was going to end up being Topa, which I love, but it’s not what I want for myself,” says Mercedes Lambre.Santiago Cichero/AFV

–You were part of a success like ViolettaDo you feel that it changed your life in some way?

–The change was big, unexpected, and I experienced it with the innocence of a teenager, because I was 18 years old and had just left high school. At that moment everything is an adventure and you are open to changes and life surprising you. I no longer see the world with those eyes and I choose with a little more responsibility and it was a huge and very naive change. There were six years of world tours, packed theaters and stadiums.

–And what was life like after? Violetta? Was it difficult for you to get rid of that character with whom you were identified in order to move forward?

–You have to reinvent yourself because maybe you are interested in doing other types of things. Anyway, I immediately made a series for Nickelodeon called Heidi, welcome home, which was also childish. And then they called me to do other things, like a film called I traitor and this work, It’s just sex. So I finished testing what it means to change audiences. If I continued at my age doing things for kids, I was going to end up being Topa, which I love, but it’s not what I want for myself. So, at some point you have to make an effort to change your profile and today it is easier with social networks that are like your resume. It is another era, in which you can manipulate your image. Before you had to do something very big and very loud for them to know that you wanted to do something else and now you simply delete photos, make other types of content and that’s it.

“What I take away most is the family we made with the actors and the technical team,” Mercedes Lambre reviews about the years in ViolettaSantiago Cichero/AFV

–What do you remember about Violetta 13 years later?

–What I take away most is the family we made with the actors and the technical team. We were many people working intensely and we all got along very well. Afterwards I never experienced something like that again in a professional team. It’s something I had and didn’t realize until I had other experiences. It was an Argentine project that gave us the possibility of doing world tours. It is very difficult for it to happen again because actors fill theaters and cinemas, but not stadiums. It was an enormous privilege.

–Are you still in contact with them?

–Yes, we all try to see each other at least once a year. And there are also small groups that are in Argentina, because it was an international cast. With them we are more aware of our lives, we share what happens to us. The friendship continues. I recently met up with Cande Molfede and Facundo Gambandé, we went to dinner and when I said I wasn’t going to drink wine, they immediately realized that I was pregnant, because I like to have a little glass. It’s strange to go to dinner and not choose wine. It was really nice to see them cry with joy. We love each other. And I told Tini on the phone and she was very happy, because she knows that she always wanted to be a mother. When he returns from his trip we are going to see each other and enjoy it personally.

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