The biggest obstacle that Princess Leonor is facing away from Zarzuela

The biggest obstacle that Princess Leonor is facing away from Zarzuela
The biggest obstacle that Princess Leonor is facing away from Zarzuela

Although the goal of Don Felipe and Doña Letizia was always for their daughters to have as “normal” a childhood as possible, being called Leonor Borbon Ortiz He brings with him a long list of obligations that prevent him, on countless occasions, from being calm and behaving naturally. And that is probably the biggest obstacle that Leonor and Sofía face in this new stage of their lives.

We know what the inner circle of the kings is, but few details have emerged about Leonor’s private life. We know that she has a very close group of friends of hers from her time at the Santa María de los Rosales School, another of hers from her stay in Wales and, now, her classmates from the Military school. Three very different realities to which the Princess of Asturias has adapted wonderfully.

However, every time there is a change in your life, Leonor has to face one of her biggest obstacles: her status as a princess. As ‘Confidential Monarchy’ has made public after speaking with people who have lived with her in recent months, the first-born of the kings is “weighed” by the obligations attributed to her as crown princess.


With a shy and reserved character, everyone agrees that “he never lets his guard down”. “She wants to deal with people face to face and sometimes she believes she can be judged,” they explain to the aforementioned publication. Words with which we can learn a little more about the difficulties that Leonor has lived with since she was a child. Despite this, her experience in Zaragoza has allowed her to create a very strong bond with some of her colleagues. People who have given him their full trust, something essential in someone like her.

“If it weren’t for the security team, nothing would distinguish her from the others. She is very aware of who she is, she doesn’t forget it, but that doesn’t stop her from interacting naturally, nor does it seem like she’s distrustful of anyone,” says a close source. to the princess in Readings about what these months of coexistence at the Zaragoza academy have been like.

Princess Leonor’s private vacation with her classmates from the academy

Lecturas learned exclusively about Princess Leonor’s plans to enjoy a few days of vacation with friends thanks to the testimony of someone very close to her in recent months. “It has been very integrated from the beginning. He has always gotten along very well with everyone. She is smiling and always seems close.“explains the aforementioned source to our magazine.

Now, it has been the journalist Alejandra Entrampasaguas who has given more details about this imminent trip that will take Leonor to enjoy the sun and the sea away from her parents. “Three locations are proposed in which there are houses of her classmates: Rota, Barrosa beach and Cabo de Palos,” the collaborator announced in ‘Fiesta’.

Of all the options, the town of Cartagena would be the most appropriate in terms of securitysince from Zarzuela it would be “relatively easy to control” because it is full of coves, closed areas in which it would be easier to take care of the princess, the journalist pointed out.


Apart from this private getaway with friends, Next August we will see Princess Leonor again with the kings and her sister Sofia in Palma de Mallorca, the quintessential destination for the royal family’s summer vacations. They will be joined, as is tradition, by Queen Sofia and Irene of Greece, and it is yet to be confirmed whether the Infantas Elena and Cristina will also drop by the island. Unfortunately, obligations rule and the heir to the throne will end her days off sooner than expected.

As can be seen in the calendar of the Naval School of Marín (Pontevedra), the presentation will take place on August 23. Act in which, if they decide to follow in the footsteps of the previous year, she will be supported by her parents, but not by her sister Sofia. Who is scheduled to return to the United Kingdom around that time to begin the second year of the International Baccalaureate at the UWC Atlantic College in Wales.

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