Pelé’s historic mansion in Brazil that today looks in ruins and is the target of thieves

Pelé’s historic mansion in Brazil that today looks in ruins and is the target of thieves
Pelé’s historic mansion in Brazil that today looks in ruins and is the target of thieves

A Pelé mansion was vandalized and looks abandoned (Credit: G1 Santos/GeGlobo)

With rusty doors, cobwebs scattered across the walls, untrimmed trees, overgrown grass and some of the facilities broken, all signs of abandonment. This is how a millionaire mansion that belonged to Pele. It is located in the town of Guarujá, in the state of Sao Paulo, and looks deteriorated as a result of the passage of time and vandalism.

The state of the house was revealed from images revealed by the media G1who also noted that this “abandoned mansion” was the penultimate residence of O King, who died at the end of 2022 from colon cancer. Edson Arantes do Nascimento left her when he went to live with her wife, Marcia Cibele Aoki, to another house in the same city. Although he continued to visit her.

Pelé died at the end of December 2022 at the age of 82 (Reuters)

A video showed the front of the building, visibly destroyed. “Other images show the inside of the house. As with the façade, weeds are also growing in the garden of the room and, above all, outside, so that you can barely see what was once a football pitch. The water in the pool is greenish in colour and the internal area no longer contains any personal belongings of the King,” the local portal added.

The property is located in the town of Guarujá, Sao Paulo

Neighbors in the area told the press that, after the death of the legendary Brazilian soccer player, thieves entered the place and stole copper cables from the electrical installation. The situation was confirmed by the lawyer Augusto Miglioliwhich represents Pelé’s son who was left in charge of managing the estate.

It was the penultimate residence of O Rei before his death.

The lawyer assured that the residence was not abandoned and that has structural problems that are currently “being addressed.” “The vandals’ actions occurred at a time of restructuring and refer to the lack of security in that place,” he said. He also said that the building was evacuated and the maintenance workers were fired while the star was still alive.

Some images from the period even show German star Franz Beckenbauer – who passed away in recent months – enjoying this luxurious mansion of Pelé in Guarujá during the 80s, taking into account the relationship they forged when they shared a team at Santos. Other postcards show O’Rei enjoying one of the tennis courts of the lavish home, which today only coexists with memories of the past.

A video shows the deplorable conditions in which the home is found.

Pelé indicated in his will that Aoki would keep 30% of his assets, while 70% would be distributed among his heirs. The former footballer had seven recognized children. The first three (Kelly Cristina, Edson and Jennifer Nascimento) were the fruit of his marriage to Rosmeri dos Reis Cholbi. He was married to her from 1966 to 1982. He then formed a couple with the singer and psychologist Assíra Lemos Seixas in 1994, with whom he had twins Joshua and Celeste.

During the nineties, the Brazilian legend had had a parallel relationship with Anizia Machado and from that bond was born Sandra Machado, who died in 2006 due to a health problem and who had been denied paternity between 1991 and 1993; until DNA tests determined the relationship. Her last recognized daughter is Flavia Christina KurtzThe list of heirs is completed by two grandchildren.

The lawyer for one of Pelé’s children said that the house has structural problems that are currently “being attended to”

According to the portal Celebrity Net Worth, a medium dedicated to providing estimates of the total assets and financial activities of celebrities, Pelé would have generated a fortune valued at $100 million. The fortune is due to the former Santos’ years of glory, his time at the Cosmos in the United States, and his ability to generate advertising revenue, given that he was one of the first footballers to make the most of his image (he even starred in the film Escape to Victory in 1981). It is also due to various real estate investments he had made after retiring from professional practice.

One of the examples that the portal describes is an operation that had been carried out in the United States. Precisely in The Hamptons, where the legend He had purchased a house for $156,000 in 1979 and sold it in 2018 for $2.85 million.

From the family environment they also said that the mansion was vacated and the maintenance employees were fired when Pelé was alive.

By resolution of the Justice of Sao Paulo, the process of inventory of assets for the distribution of the inheritance is under summary secrecy.

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