Did he take away Rodrigo Sepúlveda’s late night performance? José Antonio Neme clarified rumors of a “war unleashed in Mega”

Did he take away Rodrigo Sepúlveda’s late night performance? José Antonio Neme clarified rumors of a “war unleashed in Mega”
Did he take away Rodrigo Sepúlveda’s late night performance? José Antonio Neme clarified rumors of a “war unleashed in Mega”

En ese contexto, Sergio Rojas entregó detalles de este conflicto que denominaron “guerra desatada en Mega”.

“Sepu habría grabado un piloto, porque se venía el late de Sepu”, expresó, sobre este espacio que se llamaría Te lo cedo.

Ese piloto que grabó Rodrigo Sepúlveda, hace pocas horas, se destapó que no lo va a conducir él, ya que sería animado nada menos que por José Antonio Neme”, agregó.

Junto a lo anterior, el periodista de Zona Latina mencionó que “nadie le ha dicho a Sepu, de hecho, yo le acabo de contar, porque él nunca supo, se enteró por la prensa, puesto que nadie le ha dicho que el proyecto no es de él”.

José Antonio Neme y rumores sobre programa de Rodrigo Sepúlveda

Meanwhile, Luis Sandoval indicated that he contacted the driver of Nice to meet youwho was responsible for this bet.

“I asked him about this project he has in Mega about a star, and he said ‘On this occasion, unlike all the times I comment on everything, the channel strongly asked me not to comment on this project.“, he said.

Added to this, the production of I tell you He also spoke with José Antonio Neme, who elaborated on these speculations.

I have no idea where that came from…“, he clarified.

“But just because you make a pilot doesn’t mean you own a program, that’s the first thing. And the second thing… Work is being done on next year’s schedule and projects are being analyzed,” she argued.

Finally, José Antonio Neme commented that “I have not recorded any pilot, and I only read a project that as it is, the truth is, is confusing, it needs more polishing, because as I saw it, it is tangled.”

I don’t know if it’s the same program“, hill.

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