The words of Silvio Soldán after his hospitalization in Uruguay: “It was not so big or so serious”

The words of Silvio Soldán after his hospitalization in Uruguay: “It was not so big or so serious”
The words of Silvio Soldán after his hospitalization in Uruguay: “It was not so big or so serious”

The words of Silvio Soldán after his hospitalization in Uruguay: “It was not so big or so serious”

In the last hours, the health of Silvio Soldan The 89-year-old host was rushed to a hospital in the Uruguayan city of Colonia del Sacramento after having suffered an episode of motion sicknessAccording to his press agent, Giuliano Bacchi.

Fortunately, the driver of historical cycles such as Happy Sunday and Great values ​​of tango He was calm when he announced that he had been discharged and was already back in the country and on his way home. “It wasn’t anything that big or that serious,” summarized the announcer in dialogue with Teleshow“I was hospitalized for just a few hours to have tests done, but fortunately everything is fine. We have to take precautions to try to prevent it from happening again, but nothing more,” he added.

Later, he gave more details about the time he spent in the clinic: “I am Silvio Soldán and I want to thank the people who cared about me. He happened something that didn’t happen, it was just a drop in pressure resulting from a little stress, nothing serious, nothing serious“, the announcer recorded in a first-person audio broadcast by TN.

In his story, Soldán thanked the doctors from the neighboring country for their work: “I had immediate help from the doctors in Colonia, who in a situation like this get a little scared in a situation like this, more than oneself. “So they kept me hospitalized for a few hours, I’m returning to Buenos Aires.” Finally, Silvio had some words of gratitude for the public. “I deeply thank everyone for the concern they have had for me, see you in Buenos Aires at any time,” and he closed with two of his favorite phrases, which reflect his good mood. “A cut, a quebrada and happy Sunday to all”.

The news of the entertainer’s hospitalization was broadcast on Thursday night on LAM (America). According to the statement that was also accessed TeleshowSilvio “experienced discomfort due to the movement of the ferry that transported him.”

The statement on the state of health of Silvio Soldán

The diagnosis reported in the press release states that it was motion sickness. According to MedlinePlus – belonging to the National Library of Medicine of the United States – it is “a common problem among people who travel by car, train, plane, and especially by boat”, since it is motion sickness. “Anyone can have it, but it is more common in children, pregnant women, and people who take certain medicines. Motion sickness can happen suddenly, with a feeling of dizziness and cold sweats. “That can lead to vertigo, nausea and vomiting.”

The 89-year-old announcer began to feel ill during his ferry ride to Colonia del Sacramento and ended up hospitalized after an almost hour-long interview for the newspaper The country. He was on eastern soil to present a show with singers Néstor Rolán and Alberto Bianco, whom he announced as “two great values ​​of tango” in reference to his iconic television series from which they and many other figures of the two by four emerged.

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