Excitement over Christian Sancho’s announcement to the gay community: “It ended up being decreed”

Christian Sancho made an open-hearted announcement and shared a video of kissing a man to send a message to the LGBT+ community. The emotion of his followers, who supported him with demonstrations of affection.

The actor and model Christian Sancho issued a heartfelt message of support for LGBT+ people on International Pride Day and decided to share a clip from the series Bootieswhere she plays a passionate scene with Lalo (Ezequiel Castaño), her fictional love interest. “Happy Pride Day. On this June 28th, such a special day, we celebrate Equality, Diversity and Inclusion,” she wrote.

“With this character from a series called Booties In 2010, we were able to tell a true LOVE story in all its letters! This character of the FLACO went from fiction to reality to promote the Law of equal marriage that was finally decreed on July 15, 2010, where we had the excitement and joy of everyone celebrating. Without a doubt it was one of the best gifts that this profession gave me. Let’s continue working to create and grow in a fairer world, without prejudice, more tolerant and respectful of diversity,” Christian Sancho concluded. Sancho’s publication had dozens of comments of support and Celeste Muriega, his partner, commented: “That pride my love.”

Christian Sancho remembered when he was discriminated against in a bakery: “It’s sad”

For a long time, Christian Sancho He is not afraid to express his convictions regarding different topics, and on more than one occasion he referred without filters to the sexual diversity and supporting causes related to the conquest of rights. In a recent interview, the actor revealed a surprising insult during the time when he played a homosexual footballer in Booties. “It is sad that a person discriminates against another because they love a person of the same sex“He said, recalling that the owner of a bakery refused to serve him and told an employee to take care of that “fucking piece of shit.”

Is it true that you were discriminated against in a bakery?“Karina Mazzocco asked Christian Sancho, guest on In the afternoon (America TV). The actor did not hesitate and turned on the green light he had on hand to then explain what the sequence he had to experience was like, a situation that thousands of people still experience not only in Argentina but around the world. The incident occurred in a place in Martínez, an area where Sancho was recording Booties more than 10 years ago and at a time when the discussion on equal marriage was booming thanks to the bill that would end up becoming law in July 2010.

In BootiesSancho played the Skinny Rivera Married footballer with children who fell in love with Laloa teammate. For fear of social condemnation, players wore a secret romance. During the recording slumps, Sancho used to go through a bakery before going to visit and chat with the mother of his second child, who had just been born, and on more than one occasion he did so characterized as his fictional character. It was on one of those visits to the gastronomic establishment that an unfortunate situation arose that the actor recalled in In the Afternoon.

When I go to choose the bills, the owner comes out and says ‘you take care of this piece of shit.’ and she leaves“, he said Sanchowho was shocked by this person’s homophobic attitude. “What do I have to explain to this lady, that this whole story, that I have a son, that I am heterosexual?“, crossed the actor’s mind on that occasion. At that moment, Sancho took the woman’s words with ambiguity: on the one hand he was happy with how the owner of the bakery believed his character, but he also considered that “It is sad that a person discriminates against another because he loves a person of the same sex.“.

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