Batteries! Invima ordered to withdraw these two brands of milk for being a health risk

Batteries! Invima ordered to withdraw these two brands of milk for being a health risk
Batteries! Invima ordered to withdraw these two brands of milk for being a health risk

The National Institute for Food and Drug Surveillance (Invima) ordered the immediate removal from the market of several batches of dairy products from the ‘Aro’ and ‘Gold Medal’ brands.

The entity carried out inspections at the two milk processing plants and there they found the presence of caseinomacropeptide, a whey expelled in the manufacture of cheese and that would be used to produce milk.

In addition to this, Invima found a non-compliant addition of whey in Long Life Ultra High Temperature (UAT) Whole Milk.

These two practices are prohibited by regulations, because they have effects on the quality of the product and its nutritional contribution to people.

That is why, Invima imposed measures for the two companies and the immediate withdrawal of these products from the market was ordered to guarantee the food safety of consumers. Below we show you the affected products.

  • “Aro” Brand Product with Health Registration RSA-0022866-2022, Lot 011 APES and expiration date 2024-04-09, with a concentration of 48.9 µg/mL.
  • “LELÉ” product with Health Registration RSA-0022866-2022, Lot 011 APES and expiration date 2024-04-09, with a concentration of 45.1 µg/mL.
  • “Gold Medal” product with Health Registration RSA-0022866-2022, Lot 011 APES and expiration date 04-09-2024, had a concentration of 50.1 g/mL.



Invima asked the manufacturers of these products to ensure that in their production processes the milk meets the requirements established in the regulations and that they are suitable for high consumption.

In the same way, avoid adulteration of milk and control the levels of whey that can be put in dairy products.

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