National University of Piura cancels medical entrance exam due to alleged fraud

National University of Piura cancels medical entrance exam due to alleged fraud
National University of Piura cancels medical entrance exam due to alleged fraud

A new admission exam for Human Medicine was scheduled, at no additional cost to those enrolled, with the aim of filling the twenty available vacancies. In addition, a police investigation is proposed to gather more evidence about the alleged fraud. (Composition: Infobae)

The National University of Piura made a drastic decision at its last meeting of the University Council on May 8, 2024: annulled the admission exam for the Faculty of Human Medicine due to suspicions of irregularities. This exam, part of the General Exam 2024, was held on April 21, and the applicants who had been selected as entrants reportedly made identical mistakes in two specific questions.

The president of the Central Admission Commission, Humberto Correa Canova, reported in a press conference about the actions taken. The main measure is scheduling a new admission exam for the Human Medicine career, which will be carried out on Saturday May 25. This exam will include the same applicants who previously registered and will not be charged any additional fee. The goal is to fill twenty available vacancies.

The exam cancellation is based on control activities carried out by the Commission, which revealed possible irregularities. It was highlighted that the occurrence of eight ties in first place and nine in third place It was highly unlikely. It is important to note that these irregularities did not occur in other faculties, which led the Commission to request action in this regard.

The president of the Commission also announced the proposal of start a police investigation to obtain more evidence about the alleged fraud in the Human Medicine exam. According to him, the elements collected so far suggest the existence of cheating in the process.

Additional measures were established for the next May 25 exam, which include hiring a security company. This company will use advanced technology to monitor access to the campus and classrooms, as well as to ensure a safe and fair exam environment.

The University Council made the decision to annul the admission exam for the Faculty of Human Medicine due to the presence of suspicions of fraud, evidenced by the repetition of identical errors in two questions by several candidates. (National University of Piura)
The University Council made the decision to annul the admission exam for the Faculty of Human Medicine due to the presence of suspicions of fraud, evidenced by the repetition of identical errors in two questions by several candidates. (National University of Piura)

Besides, the National University of Piura He used his social networks to communicate the decision made in the extraordinary session of the University Council. It was emphasized that the cancellation of the exam was due to the existence of reasonable indications of fraud, and it was reported that the facts have already been reported to the Public Ministry. In order not to harm the applicants, a new entrance exam was scheduled for May 25, at no additional cost to the candidates. 921 registered in the specialty of Human Medicine.

“The University Council informs the citizens that in its Extraordinary Session No. 015, the annulment of the Admission Exam for the professional career of Medicine Huamán carried out on Sunday, April 21 was ordered due to the existence of reasonable indications of alleged fraud,” it reads.

The Faculty of Human Medicine of the National University of Piura (UNP) witnessed an unprecedented event, with eight applicants reaching the same maximum score in the admission exam. (Facebook of the National University of Piura)

On the morning of this Monday, April 22, the UNP announced the results of the general admission exam 2024, made the day before, April 21. These results were validated by the Qualification Commission of the aforementioned exam.

The notable event took place in the Faculty of Human Medicinewhere eight applicants obtained the same score: 387.25. These students managed to enter first place in the order of merit, along with others 14 applicants who obtained lower scores. This is the list of the entrants in first place:

  • Altamirano Collantes-Jhon Elvis
  • Bustamante Vásquez-Jhon Elver
  • Chimoy Paz-Cielo Belén
  • Cruz Tineo-Liliam Johayra
  • García Rojas-Deivin Jersson
  • Herrera Guevara-Jeison Brain
  • Rojas Tirado-Cyndy Yamilet
  • So Tocto-Yoe.

Given this very peculiar fact that generated suspicion on social networks, since it was the first time in the history of this house of studies that, eight people have obtained exactly the same score, reaching the number one position in the ONE Pbeyond this curious parity, what is really surprising are the stories behind these “brilliant scores.”

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