MIR ASTURIAS RESULTS | The Faculty of Medicine of Oviedo achieves a place of honor among those in Spain in the last MIR exam

MIR ASTURIAS RESULTS | The Faculty of Medicine of Oviedo achieves a place of honor among those in Spain in the last MIR exam
MIR ASTURIAS RESULTS | The Faculty of Medicine of Oviedo achieves a place of honor among those in Spain in the last MIR exam

The Faculty of Medicine of Oviedo has been the second in Spain in the ranking of universities with the best results in the MIR exam held on January 20. 64.8 percent of the students who took the test were included in the so-called “strong group.” This index has only been surpassed by the Autonomous University of Madrid, with 65.3 percent, according to the blog “MIRentrelazados”, an inexhaustible mine of data referring to the annual national tests to access a medical specialty.

The ranking of faculties distributes the students who have taken the exam into three groups (strong, medium and weak) depending on the grade obtained. Last year, the Oviedo academic institution had also been second in the leading group, and also behind the Autonomous University of Madrid, but with only 54.3 percent (10.5 points less than this year) of its graduates in the positions above. To establish another temporal reference, in 2017 the University of Oviedo was eighth, with 46.1 percent in the front group.

Only the Autonomous University of Madrid surpasses the results of the Asturian University

These data highlight that the Faculty of Medicine of Oviedo, which began its journey in the 1969-70 academic year, not only ensures that the majority of its students pass the tests for positions as internal resident doctor (MIR), but also to reach top positions, which allows them to access the desired specialty. The MIR Academy of Oviedo also plays a relevant role in these successes, which in the test last January achieved the best results in its history. Not all students of the Faculty of Oviedo prepare the MIR exam at the Academy located in the city, but a majority do.

On the average of the last twelve years, the Faculty of Oviedo placed 50.5 percent of its students in the strong group, which places it in fifth place nationally, behind – in this order – the Autonomous University of Madrid , Barcelona, ​​Castilla-La Mancha and King Juan Carlos. At present, 41 medical schools are operating in Spain.

José Antonio Vega, dean of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Oviedo, told this newspaper yesterday that “we must thank the professors for the training they give to the students and the effort they make, because the majority are associate professors.” “. As for the students, Professor Vega highlighted “their work and enthusiasm.” And the dean added: “Only by everyone working tirelessly can excellent results be achieved. The Faculty is proud of its graduates and the faculty who train them.”

In the exam last January, 8,772 places were at stake throughout Spain to train in a medical specialty. 13,994 candidates were admitted and 12,721 took the test. 11,755 opponents passed the cut-off mark. From the University of Oviedo, 149 graduates were admitted (recent graduates and from previous classes), 142 applied and all but one (141) passed the cut-off grade. Finally, 128 chose a place to pursue a specialty.

The Asturian Faculty presented 142 graduates and 128 chose a place for a specialty

In the MIR test it is possible to exceed the cut-off mark and ultimately not achieve a place. Either because the positions offered are exhausted before the election period, or because there are doctors who, even if they can access a position, decline this possibility because they do not like the available specialties and prefer to take the exam again the following year to achieve its objective.

A total of 15 faculties reached the full number of students who passed the cut. That of Oviedo reached 99 percent. The Faculty that presented the most students to the last exam was the Complutense University, with 419, followed by Santiago de Compostela, with 407.

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