Mexico is experiencing a momentous election that would leave a woman as president – News

Mexico is experiencing a momentous election that would leave a woman as president – News
Mexico is experiencing a momentous election that would leave a woman as president – News

This Sunday 99.5 million Mexicans go to the polls to elect the successor of Andrés Manuel López Obrador. There are three candidates in the race for the presidency: Xóchitl Gálvez, Claudia Sheinbaum (the two with the best chances) and Jorge Álvarez Máynez.

This has been one of the most violent campaigns in recent years, in which around 30 candidates were murdered.

It is a mega-election in which 20,000 public positions are also voted on, including the entire Congress. In addition to the presidency of the country, the positions of the new Congress, made up of almost 630 seats between the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate, will also be at stake.

Sheinbaum, who was mayor of Mexico City, promised to continue with the political line of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

However, it also contains a hard line to combat violence in Mexico, which differs from AMLO’s policy of aiming to reduce inequality and poverty, in order to reduce marginality rates.

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For his part, Gálvez hopes to achieve the hidden vote of millions of Mexicans. The bet is also to achieve polarization and obtain the votes of the third favorite, already located in a testimonial character, as well as those of the third in the running, a testimonial Álvarez Máynez.

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Gálvez recounts the media and institutional support given to him by the acronym that makes up the ”Force and Heart for Mexico” coalition –PRI, the National Action Party (PAN) and the Party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD)–. But he does not seem to have preferences, not even in his native Tapetec, in the center of the state of Hidalgo.

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In three months of the campaign, violence prevailed especially in the murder of candidates from small towns: around 30 have been murdered.

The latest crime is that of Coyuca, in Guerrero, where the mayoral candidate José Alfredo Cabrera was killed, while an unfortunate event also occurred during an event in Máynez, in León, where nine people died due to the collapse of a stage.

The Organization of American States (OAS) condemned recent episodes of violence and murders during the campaign, while expressing its confidence that “citizen participation and mobilization will overcome fear.”


The first results of election day will come through the quick count, a statistical projection that allows estimating voting trends from a sample of 7,500 polling stations that is representative of the election at the national level.

Between 10:00 p.m. and 11:00 p.m. on June 2, the president of the INE, Guadalupe Taddei, will present the results of the quick count in a television message broadcast on the national network. Being a statistical exercise, the quick count yields a range of vote estimates for each candidate, expressed in a percentage range with a minimum and maximum.

Although it is not a definitive result (the official result of the election is determined through district counts, which start on June 5 and end three days later), the trend is considered irreversible when the minimum percentage of the candidacy presidential first place is not touched with the maximum of the candidacy in second place of the vote.

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