Anti-stress exercise, which is an ally of longevity and helps relieve knee pain

Anti-stress exercise, which is an ally of longevity and helps relieve knee pain
Anti-stress exercise, which is an ally of longevity and helps relieve knee pain


Medicine has shown that doing physical activity periodically helps improve people’s health. Its benefits are not only physical, but also mental. In particular, riding a bicycle It is a simple and accessible sport, which can be practiced daily to get around the cities or simply enjoy a walk. In addition to avoiding contractures and prevent diseases with its effects on longevityit was recently discovered that these types of movements relieves knee pain.

A study, published by Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, revealed that cycling throughout life is associated with less symptomatic knee osteoarthritis, in other words, a relief from bodily pain. To reach this result, the scientists interviewed and analyzed 2,607 participants, of which 44.2% were men and had an average age of 64 years. They all shared an increased risk of developing knee arthritis due to weight, family history, and other previous injuries.

The benefits of riding a bicycleUnsplash.

“People who practiced cycling had a lower prevalence of frequent knee pain”, assured the doctors and scientists. The benefit would be cumulative, that is, it increases over time as cycling becomes part of daily habit of the person. From this, the researchers concluded that it is a good idea to encourage the use of bicycles in cities to help improve health and quality of life.

For his part, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention proposes something similar on its website. The United States agency advises those people who have arthritis to do some type of sport that does not involve straining the joints, to relieve knee pain or other pain caused by this disease. “Physical activities that do not strain the joints are the low impact, which means they put less strain on the body and therefore reduce the risk of injury. Some examples include walking, cycling and swimming”, they explain.

A study found that cycling helps relieve joint pain

The benefits of cycling are increasingly studied. This sport is in the sights of psychologists, doctors and nutritionists for its great effects. A recent study, published by Sports Magazine, in which 22 scientists from three different Chinese universities participated, revealed that there is a relationship between daily bicycle use and reduction of cardiovascular diseases. According to these specialists, the risk of mortality from all causes decreased by 23% in those people who have a high level of cycling and 9% in those who use it the least.

Cyclists achieve a longer life expectancyTHE NATION

“Our findings, based on quantitative data, suggest that any level of cycling is better than none”, they state in the investigation. That is, even with some few minutes of activity during the week, the benefits are obtained and they are significant. The life expectancy lengthensdiseases decrease, stress is removed and improves mental healtha fundamental pillar for the body to function at the optimal level.


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