Psychology, well-being and applications to get medals at the Paris Games | Relief

Psychology, well-being and applications to get medals at the Paris Games | Relief
Psychology, well-being and applications to get medals at the Paris Games | Relief

Less than 100 days before the Paris Games start, the Spanish Paralympic Committee announced this morning at the Higher Sports Center a tool that will make it easier for the Spanish delegation to achieve its goals. This is a collaboration agreement with Samsung to strengthen the ‘Psychology and Wellbeing’ serviceby which, Paralympic athletes will have a team of psychologists coordinated by a person in charge, specialized in the field of sports and mental healthwhich will help ensure the general well-being and maximum performance of these athletes.

Alberto Jofrémanaging director of the Spanish Paralympic Committee, has stated that “It is very important to break the mental health taboo. One of the keys to success is to assimilate that mental health is just another illness, such as a sprain, a fissure, etc. “We are very proud to welcome Samsung as part of this Paralympic family and work with them.”

This new service will offer comprehensive evaluations to understand the psychological, emotional and rest needs of each athletea, identifying areas of strength and opportunities for improvement in terms of mental health, stress, anxiety, self-confidence and sleep patterns. Additionally, athletes will be provided with a wide variety of therapeutic approaches, including cognitive behavioral therapy, relaxation techniques, social skills training and stress management strategies.

One of the revolutions in this aspect will be to be able to use apps like Unnoisean application for the Galaxy Buds 2 Pro headphones that athletes will use, especially aimed at people with hyperacusis, that is, they do not tolerate sounds that do not seem loud to other people’s ears and that in the case of athletes can negatively influence their concentration. 

The application allows you to customize the decibel tolerance level and automatically attenuate sounds that exceed the preset limit, activating personalized protection to enjoy any situation without discomfort. A very important tool if we take into account that in Tokyo 2020 there was no audience due to the pandemic and in Paris 2024 a large influx of fans is expected.

The importance given to the mental health of these athletes and this agreement are nothing more than another example that Spanish Paralympic sport is getting closer and closer to professionalization.

“We are very proud of this alliance with the CPE to improve the well-being and support of athletes, since sports psychology shows that an athlete’s emotional state can significantly impact their performance. Negative moods affect attention, concentration and the ability to face frustration, essential elements for successful sports performance,” Alfonso Fernández, CMO of Samsung Electronics Iberia, said at the event.

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