The new audio sections that have the health reform pilot plan and Minister Jaramillo in check

In some sectors of the high government they are finding out who leaked the nearly two-hour audio that has already triggered a request for a motion of censure against one of the most powerful ministers in the presidential cabinet: Guillermo Alfonso Jaramillo, head of the Health portfolio.

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The recording began to circulate on the night of Monday, May 20, after Jaramillo blamed Mauricio Marín —president of Fiduprevisora— for the serious failures. which registers the new health care model for the more than 800 thousand educators in the country.

‘Taken out of context?

Thousands of teachers, who have usually taken to the streets to support the Petro Government’s policies, are now protesting the lack of medications, continuity in their treatments and surgery orders, which has unleashed chaos since May 1.

Teachers protest the new health model at Fiduprevisora ​​headquarters.


That day, while the leaders of the powerful Fecode union accompanied President Petro in his speech on stage (on Labor Day), the new health model for teachers came into operation. And its failures set off alarm bells throughout the country because it is the model that Jaramillo has sold as the ‘pilot plan’ to be implemented in Colombia after the collapse of the first articles of the health reform.

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In the recording—which corresponds to a session on May 7 at Fiduprevisora ​​attended by the Minister of Education, Aurora Vergara, and other members of the National Fund for Social Benefits of Teachers (Fomag)— Structural errors of a model on which the life and health of almost a million people depend were revealed.

Guillermo Alfonso Jaramillo during the plenary session of the sixth committee of the Senate.

Photo:Ministry of Health

Among the phrases that sounded the most from the leaked audio is the one in which Jaramillo asks that his Treasury colleague, Ricardo Bonilla, also put his ‘ass’ in the face of the crisis.

And another one where he points out that we must deviate from the Government’s guidelines: “Now we have to do it in a different way to solve the crisis. We’ll fix it later, it’s now in the meantime. Then we do what the President says.”

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The section in which the head of the Health portfolio assured the director of Fiduprevisora ​​was also echoed: “You are not going to blame me, nor am I going to blame you.” Jaramillo, who after the scandal did not appear in Congress at the other debate to which he was summoned to explain the audio, told the Todelar network that it had been taken out of context.

“I would be very worried if I were committing a criminal act (…) When one sees the anguish of teachers, of patients in hospitals and clinics, one has certain positions that are taken out of context and that is what they did,” he said.

President Gustavo Petro in his Labor Day speech.


Rate and trap

Jhon Mauricio Marín, president of Fiduprevisora.

Photo:Private file

But for leaders of Fecode (which is divided on the issue) and for actors in the health sector, the fissures in the Government team revealed shortcomings in a system on which the lives of teachers and their families depend.

EL TIEMPO had access to unpublished sections of the recording where Supersalud indicated that the model started without having a hotline for urgent cases that in seven days accumulated 600 complaints. And it is admitted that they did not have the contracts ready with the service providers either.

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“Primary care is barely being provided in some parts and in some episodes the emergency service is barely being provided, without contracting, only with a letter of intent,” Victoria Avendaño, Fecode executive, told EL TIEMPO.

At this point, Fiduprevisora ​​warned in the recorded meeting that although the Ministry of Health provided technical assistance, it passed a service tariff that the network rejected. of pit (due to prices) which meant a total reprocessing.

In the audio, one of the experts is heard saying that all the accredited providers had said that they did not accept that rate. The solution that Jaramillo gave was: “Let him pay for the drug and as soon as he passes the bill: ‘no sir, not at that price; this price is this’. It will be fixed later when the audit comes”.

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And a member of Jaramillo’s team added: “It seems that in Fiduprevisora ​​there was always a ‘you can’t’.”

Audio Minister Jaramillo

In this audio, Minister Guillermo Alfonso Jaramillo talks about the tariffs.

Dart to Santa Fe and Offset

About, It was reported that the Santa Fe de Bogotá Foundation had sent a letter requesting a legal concept on the legality of the role of the Fiduprevisora—which the Attorney General’s Office has questioned— and the withdrawal of patients due to the expiration of the contract.

That position of the Santa Fe is the clear position of all those who are against us (…) That is Compensation, it is all those who are fighting so that the reform is not carried out”Jaramillo said.

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And in another section there is talk of applying an exemplary sanction and of cases in Cali in which providers were warning that patients had already begun to arrive without having contracts, forcing Fiduprevisora ​​to go to the usual providers.


Audio Minister Jaramillo 1

In this audio, Minister Jaramillo asks who chose the Farallones clinic.

Software and audit

The president of Colombia, Gustavo Petro, and the Secretary of State of the United States, Antony Blinken.

The president of Colombia, Gustavo Petro.


That explains the statements of President Gustavo Petro on the subject: “In the software (…) that is leading the teachers to the old operators, making fun of the change we are making.”

But on the issue of software, the supplier is being reviewed, which has been linked to Fiduprevisora ​​for seven years and was chosen directly thanks to the modification to the contracting manual made by the Minister of Education, who has remained silent about the system crisis. of teacher health. And there is another one of intervention, under the magnifying glass.

​(See all the articles from the EL TIEMPO Investigative Unit here)

Meanwhile, They are still looking for whoever leaked the audio and it is assumed that the fissure in the Government team will end with the departure of someone of those who were in the recorded meeting.

For now, the Attorney General’s Office has already opened an investigation.

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