The project that will enable the Los Molinos Rural Medical Station began after a decade closed – El Diario de La Ligua

The project that will enable the Los Molinos Rural Medical Station began after a decade closed – El Diario de La Ligua
The project that will enable the Los Molinos Rural Medical Station began after a decade closed – El Diario de La Ligua

The first stone was laid for the project that will restore the old building and add a new one, allowing for quality facilities so that the EMR can operate again in September of this year.

Several years ago, all of Cabildo’s rural medical stations were closed, removing access to primary health care for hundreds of residents of the rural sectors of the commune. In the particular case of the town of Los Molinos, residents were forced to travel to the Artificio post office, more than 10 km away, seeking health care.

Years of struggle have already borne fruit. Finally, the first stone of the project to enable and expand the Los Molinos Rural Medical Station was laid, which was born in 2022 thanks to the joint work between the municipality and leaders of the sector.

“Many did not believe, but today you can see in the designs that we have laid the first stone and that it is going to be a very beautiful project for Los Molinos. Remember that in our commune all rural medical stations were closed, and what we are doing is providing dignity, in teamwork with our governor, Rodrigo Mundaca, who supported us with resources, and with the Health Service,” he said. Mayor Víctor Donoso.

With an investment from the Regional Government of more than $110 million, added to the municipal contribution, the project includes the adaptation of the current building, to which an extension of 102.30 m2 will be attached, thus having all the necessary facilities, fully equipped , with quality material and equipment, for the attention of users.

“It is restoring dignity. The rural medical stations were closed inexplicably when today we have a very important population that lives in rural areas. The EMR of Los Molinos is designed to serve 200 people who live in the territory and who in practice what they need is preferential, diligent, fast, expeditious medical attention. We are very happy to provide resources to make what is so necessary today, primary health care, a reality,” said Governor Rodrigo Mundaca.

For the community, this development is a dream come true. During the last time, the only access to health they had was the Mobile Clinic that visits the sector once a week. However, for other consultations or emergencies they had to travel to the Artificio post office seeking medical attention. Thanks to this project, in three months they will have their own health center meters from their homes.

“It’s a very nice dream. A long time ago, when Mr. Víctor showed up here with us, we saw him as very distant, but now happy, and the benefit is great, especially for the elderly, disabled people who sometimes have no one to take them to the health center and here it is closer. It is a very big advance for us, especially for rural people with limited resources, but it is great. Happy, more than happy, I am like this, my heart is already jumping out of my chest,” said Jessica Zapata, president of the Los Molinos Neighborhood Council, excitedly.

The ceremony was attended by the director of the Viña del Mar – Quillota – Petorca Health Service, Andrea Quiero, who highlighted the efforts of the municipality, Mayor Donoso and the municipal council to return health to the territory. “This initiative that the mayor and his municipal council are promoting is related to being concerned about what is important, which is people’s health. The idea is that in this place community life is stimulated and we can meet here to do health checks on children, women, adults, older adults, and we can live much more actively in this territory.”

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