Walking 10,000 steps a day: Japanese marketing myth debunked by science | Social | Trends

Walking 10,000 steps a day: Japanese marketing myth debunked by science | Social | Trends
Walking 10,000 steps a day: Japanese marketing myth debunked by science | Social | Trends

For several years now, the belief has transcended that to stay healthy you have to give at least 10,000 steps a day. Because of this, many citizens have internalized this behavior, making it part of their daily lives.

However, different studies that have returned to this topic in recent years have shown that It is not necessary to take these long walks during the daybut by staying active and taking the necessary breaks you will be in shape.

(Read: With these 5 exercises you can achieve the abdomen you dream of, according to ‘fitness’ experts).

A research published in Jama Internal Medicine, studied the number of daily steps in adult women and determined that those who walked about 4,400 steps a day had lower mortality rates than those who walked an average of 2,700 steps a day.

In this regard, the magazine The Lancet corroborated this information, showing that The mortality rate decreases significantly by walking just 5,000 steps a day.

So, anyone who wants to stay healthy and fit can dedicate at least 150 minutes of moderate exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous activity per weekaccording to the World Health Organization (WHO).

(More: Health benefits of walking backwards that you may not have known about).



The campaign that popularized the myth of walking 10,000 steps a day

The myth of walking 10,000 steps a day was born from a Japanese campaign that promoted a pedometer several years ago called Manpo-kei, through advertisements on television.

From that moment, this belief transcended until now and there are still a large number of people who believe that it is necessary to take this many steps a day to be healthy and keep their body in shape.

(See: Do you want to lose body fat? These are the exercises that can help you the most).

However, if it is about losing weight, walking becomes a crucial activity: “Numerous research has shown that participants who engage in high-intensity or brisk walking lose more abdominal fat compared to those who do so at moderate intensity for the same period of time.”says José Tornero, professor at the Faculty of Physical Activity and Sports Sciences at the European University.

Therefore, be fit It is not only about taking thousands of steps, but the intensity with which people walk also influences.


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