Rural Wellbeing, an initiative to strengthen the Colombian countryside

Rural Wellbeing, an initiative to strengthen the Colombian countryside
Rural Wellbeing, an initiative to strengthen the Colombian countryside

According to Dane, between December 2023 and February 2024, more than 11.3 million Colombians identified themselves as part of the peasant population, which is equivalent to a decrease compared to last year, where the number amounted to more than 15 millions of people

Added to this are the recent labor market indicators, presented by the same entity, in which it is concluded that the branches of economic activity with the greatest decrease in the rate of employed population, that is, in its labor force, are: agriculture, livestock, hunting, forestry and fishing, which are developed in rural areas of the country.

In response to the constant challenges represented by the recovery and strengthening of the countryside, with more than half a century of history of violence, Compensar has been working to establish programs that leverage the well-being, growth and development of this population.

Thus, in 2016, in the context of the signing of the peace process agreements, Compensar created the Rural Wellbeing program, with the aim of contributing to the processes of territorial, economic and housing social inclusion of rural families affected by the armed conflict in Cundinamarca.

By 2023, nearly 10,500 people were participating in the different actions developed within the framework of this initiative, with a growth of more than 100 percent compared to the previous year, a more than significant achievement for this program that currently has a presence in 16 municipalities. , among which stand out: Chocontá, Albán, Topaipí, Chaguaní, Caparrapí, Pacho, La Calera, Guaduas, La Palma, among others. “Rural Wellbeing is our corporate commitment to bring comprehensive well-being actions to rural municipalities in the department of Cundinamarca, taking into account the role that the countryside plays in the different productive chains, which must become increasingly visible,” says Claudia Romero, specialist. of rurality of Compensar.

Community strengthening and economic development

Rural Wellbeing is developed along three axes: economic inclusion, supported by inclusive purchases and the strengthening of productive neighborhoods; In addition, the axis of housing inclusion, aimed at improving housing conditions and granting rural housing subsidy for improvement or construction on one’s own site and finally, the axis of territorial social inclusion, focused on strengthening leadership, accompaniment to the reading plan in municipal schools, education and programs for the elderly.

Through the latter (territorial social inclusion), Compensar works to strengthen leadership and empowerment, as well as the development of skills and capacities to strengthen the social fabric in the region, benefiting 2,557 people in 2023, which is They add alliances with foundations, NGOs, municipal mayors and the Government to provide a more complete and affordable offer to this population.

Likewise, with the axis of economic inclusion, last year rural suppliers such as Tropipanela and the El Ejido Banana Producers Association increased sales volumes compared to 2022 by 40 and 85 percent respectively, thanks to the comprehensive support of Compensate in the technical, marketing and financial areas, and the support provided to them by being a direct buyer of their products, which not only contributes to the strengthening of the local industry but also promotes their participation in new scenarios as is the case of Café Campesino ” in Mexico.

From the housing inclusion axis in 2023, more than 6,500 people belonging to flower crops, affiliated municipalities, mining companies, among others, benefited from the different habitability programs; and 68 with the granting of the rural housing subsidy, actions that are complemented with a productive and sustainable approach.

“We work in an articulated manner on these three axes, strengthening all sustainability processes, also generating installed capacity, employment and productivity, very consistent with our purpose of contributing to the consolidation of healthier, more productive and happier families in our rural territories. ”, adds the Compensar rural specialist.

Continuing with Romero, the implementation of the Rural Wellbeing program has brought with it many learnings around the flexibility of processes and the challenge of thinking of new ways or alternatives to reach communities: “for the most part, the operation is carried out with work teams in the territory, taking care of this learning curve and qualification of professional profiles, so that they develop other skills and competencies for life that strengthen them within the local labor market,” he pointed out.

Celebrating Farmer’s Day

In order to continue contributing to the improvement of the quality of life of the rural population, on June 1 Compensar joined the celebration of the Day of

Farmer in the municipality of Caparrapí, through different activities focused on strengthening the physical and family well-being of around 700 people attending the event. In addition, he donated the collection of children’s scientific literature ‘Respira Ciencia’, in alliance with El Espectador, which will now be available for consultation in the municipal library.

“Rural Wellbeing is a commitment to building a country in the territories where we have had a historical debt as a nation, therefore, aware that there is still much to do, at Compensar we will continue exploring and strengthening different processes together with the community, to contribute to its progress, development and comprehensive well-being,” concluded Claudia Romero, rural specialist at Compensar.

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