Family Doctors, the lighthouse to mark the course of the system

The president of SEMG, Pilar Rodríguez Ledo.

He 30th National Congress of General and Family Medicine held in A Coruña comes to an end after three intense days of scientific activity, preceded by previous sessions for residents and which will also continue with more sessions. The Spanish Society of General and Family Physicians (SEMG) has brought together the congressmen at its most important annual eventwhich took place from June 13 to 15, with the motto ‘Leading the course’. It is the same message that the president of SEMG wanted to convey, Pilar Rodríguez Ledo, at the closing. “We are the ideal ones to set the course of the system, it is our responsibility. Let’s not give up because otherwise someone else will do it and worse,” she said.

Rodríguez Ledo has emphasized the success and closeness of the Congress, in that “we have reflected and debated about our specialtyprofession and science.” Looking back, the president of SEMG has recognized that “these are hard times for Family Medicine, but I don’t know if there was ever a moment that wasn’t hard.” With more than 34 years of professional experience behind her backs, The family doctor also believes that “the good is yet to come and it will come if we can do it”.

The president of SEMG, Pilar Rodríguez Ledo.

Regarding the incorporation of new technologies in Primary Care, a sign of this 30th National Congress, Rodríguez Ledo has stated that “we are part of the new times”. In that sense, he has reviewed the multitude of activities of the event, with the hope that it has served as a “meeting point for all” welcomed by the congressmen with “a point of enthusiasm, commitment, science and conscience. If we have managed to make you leave excited, we have achieved it“.

From Galicia to the Canary Islands

At the closing ceremony and after the awards ceremony, Rodríguez Ledo has revealed the whereabouts of the next National Congress, the 31st of General and Family Medicine. The most important annual event of SEMG will move from Galicia, the native region of the president of SEMG, in 2024 to Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, in 2025.

With pride and satisfaction, at the same time as anxiety, the president of SEMG Galicia and the Organizing Committee, Keith Albert Foothanked the attendance and participation of all the congressmen, 2,500 of them in person and 1,500 electronically. “We feel deeply proud at the end of this Congress. We have surpassed our own perspectives“, has declared.

The president of the organizing committee of the congress and president of SEMG Galicia, Keith Albert Foo.

“The path we have traced will lead us to continue learning, innovating and growing as professionals and people. Our work is fundamental for the well-being of society,” he added. In closing, Foo stressed “continuing our mission to care for, heal and accompany our patients. Proud to be a family doctor, of being a rural doctor and being at the patient’s bedside. Let’s continue setting the course together.”

For its part, Antonio Asensiof the Organizing Committee and presenter of the closing, has highlighted the use of Artificial Intelligence at the service of the Family Doctor in Primary Care “to build a more modern healthcare.” Asensi, who has verbalized his desire to meet again with those present in future events, has emphasized the figure of Pilar Rodríguez Ledo as “the lighthouse that sets the course in this health system to continue transforming it”.


Antonio Asensi, member of the scientific committee and organizer of the SEMG 2024 congress.


Family photo at the closing of the 30th National Congress of General and Family Medicine.


Moment during the closing of the 30th National Congress of General and Family Medicine.

The information published in Medical Writing contains statements, data and declarations from official institutions and health professionals. However, if you have any questions related to your health, consult your corresponding health specialist.

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