He almost drowned and had to be rescued by the medical team

He almost drowned and had to be rescued by the medical team
He almost drowned and had to be rescued by the medical team

The program’s medical team noticed that contestant Santiago, from Alpha, had trouble staying afloat after jumping into the pool during the ‘sentence and services’ test.

A new challenge worried viewers as they witnessed the difficulties the participant had in completing the challenge. When he was in the pool, for several seconds, the player was submerged in the aquatic track.

Yoifer, from Beta, did not hesitate to help his rival in the test and tried to get him out. Apparently, it had gotten tangled in one of the rings submerged in the water.

For its part, the program’s medical team instantly realized the situation and provided care to Santiago. They hurriedly handed him a stick so he could hold on and return to the surface.

At the end of the challenge, the participant recalled a negative situation he had with water before entering the Canal Caracol program. He even assured that this experience makes the challenges in the ‘blue box’ difficult for him.

“A long time ago I had a bad experience with the depths, I was about to drown in a river, so after that I was left with a certain distrust of water,” the participant told presenter Andrea Serna.

To leave his fear behind, he chose to take classes and face the water to enter reality: “At the beginning of this year I decided to pay for swimming lessons to release that fear again.”

Furthermore, he added: “In the normal pool I feel like I’m doing well, in the deep pool I had to unblock that fear.”

Andrea Serna congratulated her bravery and her desire to put her fears aside. In addition, she highlighted Yoifer’s support in seeing the situation and stopping.

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