Final list of the competition for the transfer of basic vacant places for Family Doctor

Final list of the competition for the transfer of basic vacant places for Family Doctor
Final list of the competition for the transfer of basic vacant places for Family Doctor

Approved, at the proposal of the respective Valuation Commission, the final list of the transfer competition for the provision of basic vacant positions for the category Family doctor.

This resolution definitively allocates the offered placesas well as the places accumulated after the application of the results system, to the contestants admitted to the transfer competition, according to the places requested in order by the score obtained.

Annex I of the resolution shows the final lists of the contestants. who get destinywith an indication of the score awarded by the Assessment Commission, as well as the place definitively awarded, and with an indication of not having been scaled if it has not been relevant for the award of said destinations.

The awarded destinations are inalienable, unless another destination had been obtained by public call before the end of the period for taking possession. The successful bidders must leave the position they hold. within three business days, counting from September 2 Including, the calculation of said cessation begins at the end of the permits or licenses that have been granted to the interested persons, unless for justified reasons the General Directorate of the SAS agrees to suspend the enjoyment of the same.

The takeover of the new position by the successful bidders must take place within the three business days following the termination, if the places are from the same Health Area; in it within ten business days, if they are from a different Health Area; or in the within one month if it involves a change in the destination Health Service or involves re-entry into active service.

Annex II of the resolution shows the final lists of the contestants who they do not get destiny, with indication of the reason for exclusion (Annex III). Annex IV of the resolution specifies the list of causes for denial of participation conditioned by reasons of family coexistence to obtaining a destination in the same municipality.

Against this resolution, which exhausts the administrative route, an optional appeal for reconsideration may be filed before the General Directorate of Personnel. within one month, in accordance with the provisions of articles 123 and 124 of Law 39/2015, of October 1, on the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations, or directly contentious-administrative appeal before the contentious-administrative jurisdiction, in accordance with the provisions of the Law 29/1998, of July 13, regulating the Contentious-Administrative Jurisdiction, within a period of two months, both periods counting from the day following the publication of the resolution in the Official Gazette of the Junta de Andalucía.

Resolution of June 17, 2024, of the General Directorate of Personnel of the Andalusian Health Service, by which, at the proposal of the Assessment Commission that has evaluated the transfer competition for the provision of basic vacant positions for Medical Doctor Family, the final resolution of said contest is approved.

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